Keto day 1616. oh my!

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13 replies
  1. Lisa’s Keto Life
    Lisa’s Keto Life says:

    I need to lose a lot of weight, but, I decided to not even wait for the New Year! I started Day 1 (again) on Thursday! While I need to lose the weight, that is just the bonus for me. I feel so MUCH better on Keto! I hurt less, breathe better, have more stamina, and more energy when I eat Keto! I just couldn’t wait another day to get back on that Keto train! I’ve just been too miserable. It was all I could do to get through Christmas and the trip for my eye injections (Which I didn’t need for 5 months, until Wednesday…ugh! Yes!!!! Keto helps with my eyes, even though it is diabetic retinopathy!)!

  2. Random Hodgepodge
    Random Hodgepodge says:

    I hope someone somewhere out there has a Margarita for me tomorrow night. Way too many years since I've had a drink, not even social wine at Thanksgiving. I would if I could, if I weren't afraid I'd spew after 2 sips.We will also be in the mid-70s. Having one of our warm roller coaster winters. Think it was Monday before last I was in sweats then back in shorts for about a week. I'm just going to stick my head in the sand and pretend like 2020 never happened. I'm back up 10 lbs, not water. Have every intention to hitting it as hard as I can for at least 30 days then Westman Page 4/Phase 1 if I can't handle it. Cheers to everyone in 2022!

  3. MommaToKitties - MTK
    MommaToKitties - MTK says:

    I know that you must be frustrated but the fact that your weight has stayed within the same 10 pounds for 2 years during a pandemic is fantastic. I remember you starting 2020 at 171 and through everything that has happened you have done well. So don’t be hard on yourself….


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