KETO/Carnivore/Fasting Q&A

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Dr Ken and Nurse Neisha answer all your questions about a Proper Human Diet.

24 replies
  1. Karen Fulton
    Karen Fulton says:

    Could prescription medicine Tirosint-Sol 50mcg Levothyroxine..Just pool in your Blood..Can't tell a difference since taking this since October 2020..Please if you get a chance and see this can you give me some feed back..Thanks So Much!! Love Y'all Mean IT!!

  2. debbie malina
    debbie malina says:

    What is the difference between MCT OIL AND FATTY MEAT . I understand that the body will quit using up the body fat stored and use the MCT oil so if you’re trying to lose weight you should not use MCT oil. But you’re saying too much fat is bad but you should eat fatty or meats. Not sure if this question makes sense but I’m hearing do not use MCT oil if you want to lose weight but you are saying eat fatty or meats how do you know when to stop eating fat? This is all just so confusing for me

  3. Robbie Smith
    Robbie Smith says:

    After two years on Keto then KEtovore then Carnivore and reaching better than goal weight and awesome metabolic labs, I "cheated" by eating Stevia laced sweetened cookies, and found myself asking "why am I doing this" So…I stopped before it became another food obsession. Carnivore fills me up, meets my metabolic needs so who needs sugar – NOT ME!! Thank you Dr. Berry and Neisha

  4. Cheryl Pupillo
    Cheryl Pupillo says:

    My Dr says keto diet is not can't stay on it for ever..i am going to do low carb..i tried keto 25 carbs I got really body plummeted..she said no more keto..its not a well balanced diet

  5. Sandra Kahl
    Sandra Kahl says:

    Hey guys!!! I just found y’all on YouTube and I’m fascinated by all of your knowledge!!! I relate with Neisha, I developed has Hashimoto’s and Thyroid disease right after breast implants. I had them removed about a year ago bc my health kept going down the hill and now I’m trying to do everything with in my power to heal my self. Is there hope for me? Can this illness be reversed and what should I do? Thank you so much!!! I’m telling everyone I know about y’all 💕


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