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Smaller grocery haul today, I won’t be around much this week, so stay tuned for Wednesday’s video for details! Plus we have a …

20 replies
  1. Stephanie Fox
    Stephanie Fox says:

    Nice haul. Thank you for sharing. Cost control has me doing the deep dive into the freezer and pantry. Stopping to buy ONLY what’s needed to complete the yummy meal. The struggle is really real for us now since losing my job 2 weeks ago. Still keeping it keto/ketovore. Thankfully I’m fat adapted and enjoy intermittent fasting. Now I need to learn the art of the extended fast.
    Much love to you Hope and Andy and that lovely young lady at home with you ❤ have a great week

  2. RV thereyet?(Dan & Sammy asking=)
    RV thereyet?(Dan & Sammy asking=) says:

    I'm thinking "grass-fed" is just about the cows =) The best chicken is supposed to be "free range" and/or "pasture-raised". Pork is…oh wow, who knows~ "heritage" maybe? Not full of hormones & un-pig-like things?? Eggs are also best if pasture raised/organic/etc~ I do notice a difference in the flavor & texture w/those. Let's not even get started on milk, sheesh! Reminds me of how taking away fat or sugar costs us more. Not cool.
    Does anyone remember when EVERYTHING was organic/normal? As in, we didn't even think about it?! Good grief, it'd be comical if it wasn't so sad & aggravating.
    I've only ever had grass fed ground beef one time, & that was because it was marked down for quick sale =) I didn't notice any difference. I do worry about it sometimes though, like maybe we should be getting away from the cows who eat grain, but then I remember that they have multiple stomachs & kick-ass digestion, right?? That's my rationale anyhow, weak as it may be…gives me peace.😂
    Our local stores have shaved pork, as well as the steak. Sometimes it's even specified as being ribeye or sirloin. Only once have we found shaved chicken breast, so that's out there too apparently. I discovered the shaved meats during a year's worth of major dental work, & was oh so grateful to have it.

  3. Jean Hanik
    Jean Hanik says:

    I get the shaved steak from Aldi all the time, love it. My daughter laughs at me because it's hard to find and not all stores carry it so when I find it I'll buy 3-4 and freeze em. Enjoy looking forward to Friday

  4. Ketogenic Woman
    Ketogenic Woman says:

    That shaved beef looks really good! We don't have Steakums here in Canada. haha, my chihuahuas love Temptations as well although since the kitty passed away a couple years ago I have not bought any. But they get enough real beef and pork so they can do without the treats!

  5. Amy Davis
    Amy Davis says:

    I love that shaved steak. I make Philly cheesesteak stuffed peppers and a Philly cheesesteak skillet with it but I know that isn’t carnivore. I’m excited about the Friday night live. I hope I can make it. Will be fun!!Hope you guys have a great week.

  6. Marva Mason
    Marva Mason says:

    I will have to look for some of the shredded beef. That looks really good. That was actually a very good grocery hall. Gave me a few ideas. I’m not a fan of pork unless it’s bacon. I just got a new table top grill with removable plates and tried it out last night for the first time and it was amazing… My green pan.


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