KAREN Gets Thunder SLAPPED After Slapping the WRONG GUY!

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KAREN Gets Thunder SLAPPED After Slapping the WRONG GUY! FOLLOW us on social media for the full unedited clips: …

45 replies
  1. Ben Gingras
    Ben Gingras says:

    That last video… The girl in the black dress slapped the guy in the red hoodie. He slaps her back. Half the class gets up to beat up the dude who slapped the guy in the red hoodie! These Karens would cease to exist if all you simps would stop defending them! This isn't the 1990's anymore! These Karens are acting this way because they know if they get hit they would have an army of men to defend them! Stop defending these Karens… Just stop!

  2. chris hughes
    chris hughes says:

    Scary how quick commenters pick sides and fill in narratives when so many of these had no context and didn't show any lead up. I mean women in shop we didn't here anything to show who was in wrong and red hoodie slap he was ready to slap her before we saw her even in front of him. So technically wasn't hers self defence? Pre emptive strike against someone about to hit her? We are a sick culture.

  3. Hi b
    Hi b says:

    😂😂😂😂 the guy that white nighted that female and got his ass beat made my night they blurred it out because the red jacket beat him so bad 🤣🤣🤣🤣
    He learned his lesson

  4. Matrix Beats
    Matrix Beats says:

    Bro you’re 3 months late on rent you deserve to be evicted. I get a letter when I hit 60 days like pay your bills and stop crying. Been evicted 3 times for it for causes out of my control and I never made a video or cried about it. I sucked it up and got another job and place to stay.

  5. Steeldriver
    Steeldriver says:

    If someone reaches through your window, they’ve entered your space. In legal terms, at least in self defense states where you don’t have a “duty to run” like in liberal states, it’s breaking the plane. Get them out. Draw the line.


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