Josh Cooks For His Cat (Featuring Pippin The Cat)

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1 bottle catnip * ½ cup pre-cooked barley * 1 big bowl of spinach 1) Add whole fish to an instant pot with some catnip. Pressure cook on high for 20 minutes.

26 replies
  1. AleahhNicolee : P
    AleahhNicolee : P says:

    The ending of this video was so precious!!! I rlly wanna make my cats something special to eat now… even though one of them likes Kraft Mac and cheese and the other will eat literally anything in front of her I doubt they would be appreciative of my efforts.. so I will continue supplying them with overpriced fancy cat foods to appease their wishes

  2. deprofundis
    deprofundis says:

    Loved this! I'll be honest, I usually only watch the (infrequent) practical episodes that this channel puts out, even though I think Josh is hilarious. But I'll make an exception for a cat-themed episode any day! (Reasons being that, while I totally support Josh & GMM – and I love the dry and chaotic sense of humor here in particular!…it's just that I have super limited time bc I'm in grad school and working simultaneously. I only really have time to watch shows that are informative re: cooking (or taste testing of ingredients) these days, with occasional divergents like this one bc I can't help it. 🙃

  3. That Chick
    That Chick says:

    I do not believe cats can’t taste sugar. Every time I open something with sugar around my baby boy kitty Ollie, he freaks out and takes it from me. He always tries to eat all the cookies, especially Palmiers, which are covered in sugar.

  4. randall dorman
    randall dorman says:

    you're right… cats can't taste sugar but love texture. i had a kitty who loved to eat cotton candy, it was his favorite and he would attack you if you didn't share….. well…. he ate pink wall insulation one day because he thought he hit the jackpot. didn't end too well for him and it was very sad


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