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The fat flush soup is a GREAT way to “break the cleanse!” How ’bout enjoy a warm cup of soup that will help the body burn fat!

23 replies
  1. madewh-le
    madewh-le says:

    Do you still continue to loose weight during while you are eating the soup or is it primarily just a way to transition you back to solid food ? Please answer 😇🙏🙏🙏

  2. lisa love
    lisa love says:

    Where did u get the drainer I love that, also what type of fast did u do …im looking to start another fast …please share I'm also looking to start no meat as well…life style changing here

  3. Asia G
    Asia G says:

    I'm getting off my ten day cleanse and was gonna do this for the next 3 days. How much do I eat? Do you do a smoothie in the morning and soup for lunch and dinner?

  4. J O
    J O says:

    I find it frustrating that only 1/3 of the video is showing due to the filter you have on here. It's hard to watch but I'm sure your recipe is great.


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