Jill Makes Homemade Vegetable Soup!

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Jill’s Green Smoothie Recipe Video: https://youtu.be/ZYC8GNmV7Wg.

26 replies
  1. Carol Hardie
    Carol Hardie says:

    Great Video,thank you Jill,I must make some Cabbage Soup,I need to lose some kilos! Too hot here at the moment,so I'm eating lot's of Coleslaw! Best Wishes Jill and your lovely Family!💕

  2. Heidi Hokes
    Heidi Hokes says:

    Thanks Jill, that soup has a lot of nutrition. So glad the turnips didn't overpower your soup. Turnips, parsnips and the like can sometimes be rather overpowering. Your souo looks delicious. That is so brilliant the way you put some in the freezer for quick access.😋You looking fabulous! All of your hard work is paying off😊

  3. Rodney Scruggs
    Rodney Scruggs says:

    I am going to try this because I have never blended my soup. I think it would be good. I love soups and stews especially when it is cold outside. I loved how Issa asked if he could say his name…very polite and respectful. Have a good evening Glenda and Jill. 🙂🍲


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