Jewish penicillin soup is WONDERFUL

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The jewish penicillin soup recipe I used was this one: …

29 replies
  1. Don
    Don says:

    as you try cut the onions with rot let on I dont know id it work all cut it under cold running water but you will need to be careful if you don't cut your finger that way

  2. Andy Kenny
    Andy Kenny says:

    Try not cutting the root of the onion off that end, and then also putting a peg or equivalent on your nose because the chemical that makes you cry actually goes thru ur nose and into ur sinuses

  3. Kaile
    Kaile says:

    I keep my onions in the fridge, it seems to keep the sting down, maybe give it a try? Glad your fella feels better, a homey soup was just the trick

  4. Rachel Frumkin
    Rachel Frumkin says:

    Oh, the gentiles. As a Jew, I love that chicken soup is called Jewish Penicillin Soup. I guess it could also be Matzoh Ball soup. I love you Grace and I hope your soup helped your fiancé feel better. I'm sure it did because it was made with love and buy you and that is truly what it is all about. Jews like many cultures show their emotions through food. We pour love into everything we make and therefore love is transferred to the eater of the food.
    Fellow Jews ifykyk.

  5. Lara
    Lara says:

    This trick really works for stopping the pain while chopping onions!! Just set a damp paper towel right beside where you’re chopping the onion.

  6. The Man from FUNCLE
    The Man from FUNCLE says:

    My wife of 21 years and I are SO HAPPY that you're engaged! You're the loveliest young lady on YouTube, you have a great family–now your parents get an extra son, too! Can't wait to meet the little Gracklet!

  7. Piggu Gudu
    Piggu Gudu says:

    Apparently not cutting the onion’s little hairy end off helps… but I just cut it off and half the onion, rinsing it in cold water afterwards. I’d like to imagine it helps but some onions are just angry 😂 that soup looks lovely and very fortifying 🤒😄


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