JAPANESE BREAKFAST RECIPE VEGAN/ Try this when you feel under the weather or overeat♡

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Vegan Japanese breakfast recipe I enjoy when I feel the cold is coming. Warm up from inside and nourish yourself, family and friends in cold winter morning by …

30 replies
  1. Janet Tanaka
    Janet Tanaka says:

    Hi Miwa-san…..another wonderful video. Did anyone ever tell you your voice is very soothing. I like to have soup whenever I am feeling unwell or just want some comfort food. We have Yukari seasoning here in Vancouver area….I get mine at either Fujiya or T&T which is an Asian supermarket. Can we order saibashi chopsticks in support? 😊🇨🇦

  2. sarah k
    sarah k says:

    Love the vegan recipes! I also noticed that I feel much better after a breakfast with less fat and oil. I usually eat a lot of fat and oil so it was a surprise haha. Now that winter is here I will try your soups!

  3. ewkelch
    ewkelch says:

    We have Yukari Furikake here on the East Coast of the U.S. at the international market. From the way you described it, I'm thinking I might try substituting tangy sumac powder (just because I already have it) plus salt, and mustard greens from my garden. I love your breakfasts. All those vegetables and warming soup make for an energized day! I've started having more soup at breakfast. The latest is a no-oil autumn greens soup: a pan of broth with some green onion, garlic, and cubed potato, with mixed greens added halfway through the cooking and everything blended at the end. Lots of pepper. I should try seasoning it with some soy sauce.

  4. 青空
    青空 says:

    i agree with you on celery pronouncing it is very hard! haha i too have trouble pronounce my R's and L's sometimes in words i get embarrassed and laugh but no worries i relate to you english is not first language but we try! haha 😅

  5. ElisabettaVS
    ElisabettaVS says:

    It looks very very tasty. I enjoy hearty dishes for breakfast as well, but I try to have at least one fruity dish with oats a day to ensure my intake of fruit and fiber. I could see myself trying your soup/rice/tofu combination for breakfast, thank you for showing it to us!

  6. Cheru Siderea
    Cheru Siderea says:

    Miwa-san! I thought of you today as I was standing in the supermarket, trying to decide whether or not I should spend 5€ (Google says it's 638,27yen) on like 12grams or so of Nori sea weed. On the one hand I knew you use it a lot so it must be good, but on the other I didn't know if it's worth the price. I deemed it to expensive in the end, but I thought I could share the story with you anyways. 😄😁😂
    Btw, is that price normal? I mean, 12gr, how much can that be, three, four sheets?

  7. Yannick
    Yannick says:

    In Germany, the most common breakfast I have seen is usually some kind of sliced bread + various toppings/spreads like butter, margarine, marmalade, cheese, thinly sliced sausages, fish, etc. Sometimes scrambled/fried eggs and bacon on bread. Corn flakes with milk/yogurt is also common. After that an apple or banana. So not a lot of/no cooking or preparation required and a lot of bread. Makes sense, as we have like 3000 kinds of bread.


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