It's time to STOCK UP on Butter, Potatoes, Pasta and Soup this week at KROGER! SHOP WITH US!

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What you should buy this week at Kroger? Potatoes, Progresso Soup, Creamette Pasta, Butter and more! Prices are good from October 13 to 19, 2021. We are in …

36 replies
  1. Diane H
    Diane H says:

    I’m sure you know but just in case: the color on the tabs on bread indicate the date. So it’s easier if you see all one color they are all the same expiration date or just find the color with the latest date so you don’t need to go through so many.

  2. Josh Moll
    Josh Moll says:

    I love this channel! You guys do a great job trying to save people money. However Peg, spending $2.69 on a box of Pop Tarts that aren’t on sale won’t financially destroy you. We only live once, it’s great to save money but you should also treat yourselves as well.

  3. Linda Fox
    Linda Fox says:

    Please don’t tell her no. She has likes and dislikes too. I’d rather go grocery shopping without Charles. I don’t care what he buys so I don’t like to be told NO But it is sweet when you agree. Just my opinion. I like you both.

  4. Lynn Tomk
    Lynn Tomk says:

    I won't buy their butter, it's just got some kind of texture that's not appealing to us. I don't skimp on my butter no matter the price. Steve, that's a good price on bacon, give it a rest!

  5. Cecilia Carbone Tabucchi
    Cecilia Carbone Tabucchi says:

    I love it, because Steve says he considers POP TARTS food; but I recently saw the video where they shopped for Penny's parents and she insisted that he buy Pumpkin Pop Tarts …. Steve is a traditional man: Pop Tarts Yes, Pumpkin Pop Tarts No. Hahaha. LOL.

  6. Julie D
    Julie D says:

    Question: How old are your kids living at home and why are they complaining there’s no food in the house? Can they not go out and purchase their own food?? My goodness, what are you creating??

  7. Diane Mason
    Diane Mason says:

    You said pasta doesn't go bad. Oh, yes, it does. I'm not picky. I'll eat anything that doesn't bite back, but I ate some pasta that was out of date and it was horrid. For me to throw food away is a rarity, but I sure did.

  8. Cricket Girl
    Cricket Girl says:

    Lol poor Steve. Stand your ground man over those pop tarts. 🍓 For all those who gave him a hard time about telling Peg no to stuff. It goes both ways. 😂. I would have loved to see their faces when having the do you really need them, can’t wait 2 days convo back and forth.


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