It’s Not Perfect, But We’re Eating!

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It’s not perfect, but we’re eating and only better days are ahead !! If you’re struggling, consider therapy with today’s sponsor …

20 replies
  1. Joyful Heart Joyful Home
    Joyful Heart Joyful Home says:

    You never appreciate a full functioning body more than when you brake a bone. Been there, done that. I'm glad you are finding multiple ways to support and care for yourself and your family. Family needs momma so take care of her!

  2. Ruby Delack
    Ruby Delack says:

    I am so proud of you Jamerrill ❤ You are an amazing person. You deserve all the happiness possible. I saw your New Instant Pot meals today I believe in an email. I want everyone in our community to check it out. A month of meals could help me out and I believe everyone here . I’m supposed to be having surgery again. I want to prepare meals so I know what I’m eating. So many food allergies ❤❤❤❤❤❤. I will let you know how I’m enjoying the meal pack 🙏🙏🙏🙏 always praying for you and your family 🙏

  3. sarahkat82b
    sarahkat82b says:

    better help is what kicked off my healing journey when I didnt have childcare to go into a real office…. Sliding scale and offers financial aid/discounts if you need it! I recommend it as a stepping stone or solution for anyone! Been praying for you. You have been a light when I needed it in the past and I hope these comments help bring that same back light to you now that you need it. Jesus has got you, and you are taking great care of that brood of yours and it looks like you're even managing to take care of yourself which is, whew!, high fives to you!

  4. Nicola Macaulay
    Nicola Macaulay says:

    Your children have a strong momma, I feel your heartbreak in recent vlogs and I'm praying for you. The difficult times produce the most emotional growth, God is with you and will walk you through this season.

  5. LoveGrowLiveFree
    LoveGrowLiveFree says:

    You're doing great. No one has room to judge. I've had about three or four situations in my life drop me to my knees. Survival mode it is and you're doing great. One day at a time sometimes one breath at q time. Remember to care for you.

  6. Looneylacy
    Looneylacy says:

    I feel for you and praying for you. I have been through this too. After my husband past I could not cook or even go in my kitchen for a while. After my dad past me, my mom, and son ate out or had sandwich at home. One time I cooked for the family and my sister said there was no love in my food she could taste it. Now I am getting the love back in my cooking and my sister is happy. She can’t cook 😂. With Jesus help you will get it back. Just know you are loved by many and we are all sending our love and praying for you and your family.

  7. Allison
    Allison says:

    I love when you show us things and your just like this is what it is. Your normalizing things for so many parents out there who might be feeling overwhelmed and might feel their frozen dinners and thrown together lives aren't good enough for their kids when in fact it is more than enough!!!


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