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Today we are sharing another full day of budget meals and how we are feeding our family during this time of social isolation! Thanks for watching! #dayinthelife …

48 replies
  1. LargeFamilyLove
    LargeFamilyLove says:

    So I’m wrong! 😂 no wonder my bread isn’t working…I’ve been doing it wrong! I must have had it confused with something else (I think biscuits!). It’s 3 cups of flour and 1/2 tsp yeast…don’t ever listen to me 😂😂😂🤪🤪🤪 thanks for Trinia for pointing it out 😘

  2. Jen Dyson
    Jen Dyson says:

    nothing I have been planning to cook looks good to me either, don't know why ? Remember at the old house when you had that big urge to do a huge grocery stock up and you weren't sure why? I wonder if you were having a little premonition or something of this virus to come. The soil in your garden looks really good, wow that tractor makes the prep so fast! our garden is hand dug and the soil is pretty heavy with clay so we have to amend with cow manure and stuff every spring, its worth it though 🙂

  3. Lailani Messina
    Lailani Messina says:

    Tonight starts the 8pm curfew 🙄 I'm gonna have to remember because usually at night (especially wkends) is when I go to the 24hr stores and have energy lol ! Its gonna be 75° Fri & Sat 😞 (NC)

  4. Louise Wigley
    Louise Wigley says:

    I’ve done 3 grocery pickup orders and all have been around half filled because of the shelves being empty here in Mississippi. Going tomorrow to a local owned small grocery that seems to be better supplied than the big stores. I just want to get my normal grocery order and it’s been difficult. Hope y’all will be alright. “This too shall pass.”

  5. Lin R
    Lin R says:

    Ugh I’m feeling it too. Months 😔. This is insanity. Trying to stay positive and get outside in the fresh air etc but it’s hard. This is just really the most bizarre thing I’ve ever seen.

  6. Anna Fyfe
    Anna Fyfe says:

    You so need to get a nice kid friendly horse for them kid'o!!! I'm a big horse person and would love to help you out of you've never had a horse!!! So happy for you guys, your really living the dream!!!

  7. Bettye Rembert
    Bettye Rembert says:

    I will be putting in an order for the produce wall hanger. I would like my background to be distressed white. And have Hayden draw a sunflower at the top. And seal it so it dont come. Just three baskets. I'll look for your e- mail address. Thanks so much. In georgia we usually plant our gardens around good friday. We never know when our weather will change.

  8. Stacy F
    Stacy F says:

    That's wonderful that you are starting a garden. I was talking with my husband the other day about starting a small garden in our backyard. We get so much sunlight back there. 🤩 We had a garden growing up and it was great with 6 kids. My parent's saved so much money. I'm glad y'all are doing okay. 😊

  9. Annette Herbst
    Annette Herbst says:

    I hear you on not wanting what’s planned for dinner. I don’t meal plan but I take meat and stuff out in the morning with a meal in mind but when it is time to cook I don’t want anything to do with what is out. I wonder for me if it is because I am limited on what I have and can’t get to the store, or if I go they are out of everything

  10. L T
    L T says:

    Forgive me, but I don't understand why you would burn that wood, and a pile of stuff that contains metal? Can't you give the metal to a scrapper, and sell the firewood? Burning just causes pollution.

  11. Chris Kahn
    Chris Kahn says:

    I hope you have checked the zone your home is in on the chart to see if it is or isn't too early to plant. Perhaps onions, radishes, some lettuce or spinach, but it is too cold, I would think, to plant other things. One normally doesn't plant everything all at once. Just don't want you to spend all the money and have to do it all over again. That will be a huge garden to maintain and keep weeded!! Good luck in your planning!!!! The kids will learn a lot from gardening. Be sure to include some "easy" flowers in your garden like zinnias and marigolds. Those are the crown on the garden and everyone is so excited to see them when they begin blooming.

  12. Taylor Elmore
    Taylor Elmore says:

    I'm so excited to see everything you grow! I wish gardening would work in our yard. We have terrible soil and not enough sun. One day we will live somewhere where we can have a garden!

  13. Hannah Shaw
    Hannah Shaw says:

    Not to get too deep, but my mum (mom for you!) passed away on 2nd March and we had her funeral today (which was sad obviously but more so because the UK is on lockdown so only a handful of people could go). I just wanted to say watching your videos every night before I go to sleep has really helped me relax and given me some distraction. So thank you 💜
    Once you get your PO box back and when we're out of lockdown, I'm going to say thank you properly 😊 Stay safe and sending love from a small corner of England!

  14. L. J.
    L. J. says:

    That is going to be one beautiful garden! You are sure blessed to have all that space for a big one. Looking forward to watching it grow to maturity. (of course it has to get planted first, I know…just impatient…cause I LOVE gardens.) Nothing better than being able to grow your own food!!

  15. Lisa Francis
    Lisa Francis says:

    Too early to be planting the garden. You can plant root vegetables this early but too soon for anything else! We are in the southern part of Virginia on NC border. You plant late April or early May!

  16. Angela baugh
    Angela baugh says:

    The stores are getting better in the 🇬🇧 now people have stopped panic buying and they have had time to restock. Only letting a few people at a time in store and there are cues but you have got to patient. We are only going out for food or medicine, it scary times. Stay safe.

  17. Francesca
    Francesca says:

    SO FAR we still have our farmer's market and still able to get fruit and veggies same issue with meat in nyc it goes out as fast as it comes in buy we have a barrel of rice and beans and in Spanish culture its a meal . Great video and awesome time to be homesteaders will be answering the call of the countryside for sure this year

  18. starbeck96
    starbeck96 says:

    Congratulations on your garden. I would love to have a garden. There are only 4 of us at home now, so we don't need a big one, but would love to at least have tomatoes, squash, okra, and jalepenos (for my husband). Everything was out in our local stores last week, but my husband had to run in Walmart to pick up something for his work, and I asked him to check for milk while he was there. He said they had plenty of milk so he picked up a gallon for us. We have a nice little stock of food, but like you, I am trying to help stretch our meat into several meals. I told my husband last night that we are going to have to start having meat incorporated into some of our dishes instead of being the main course.

    The mayor of the city where my son works just issued that there are to be no gatherings of more than 10 people. He also shut down all bars, restaurants (can do drive thru only), tanning, hair salons, gyms, non-essentail retail, etc. My son works in a manufacturing plant and they make adhesives. Not sure if his company is going to be considered essential or not. This goes into effect at 4:00 our time this afternoon. A plant near his workplace had a positive case of COVID-19 late last week so it is shut down. Most of the car manufacturing places have shut down in our state and the neighboring state as well.

    I really believe that the stores would be able to stock back up if everyone would stop the hoarding, and buy just what they need to cover them for two or three weeks.


    They are doing shelter in place in CO.. our county is supposed to today.. ya our stores have been that way for a few wks.. prayers sent to u and ur family! Glad ut still doing ur videos!🥰🥰

  20. Chris Dowden
    Chris Dowden says:

    I want to say I am happy you are again showing us more of what is going on with your family and not just the budget meals! Stay safe. I am in Indiana we have had 13 deaths and just yesterday the 1st in the county I live in it is so scary I pray this ends soon and we are all safe

  21. Sara Q
    Sara Q says:

    I made stir fry last night with one chicken breast for a family of four and two servings of leftovers for husband lunches. Lots of vegetables both fresh and frozen, rice (cabbage goes a long way! And no one is buying it!) We will learn a lot from this.

  22. Tina Hinote
    Tina Hinote says:

    Our stores have been on for weeks and there are limits on the amount you can get. I still go once a week and get what things I can. Last week I got two can of ravaloi one meat product a bleach some peanut crackers eggs and milk. Not much but if you get alittle each week it adds up. Get what you can when you can. Take advantage of pick up or delivery when you can. It is so bad here in Texas I barley got the last box of tampons and last two wash powder. No toilet paper but I got a big box of baby wipes so if I run out of t paper I got rags and wipes. My hubby is still working so we have to deal with that. Good thing you have all that property I'm stuck in this apartment. Feels like a box right now. Home all day by myself. Glad I have you and other YouTubers.

  23. Letrice Lynch
    Letrice Lynch says:

    I live in nyc and so far i havent experienced any panic buying in my immediate area but ppl have bought up frozen foods canned items like tuna chefboyardee and plenty of pasta which was a plus for me bcuz i dont buy those things so i was abled to get meats fruits and veggies with no issues the true down side is that ppl arent taking heed to staying in theyre going outside for things other than groceries or pharmacy runs and its putting themselves and others at risks bcuz the numbers are going up from positive cases but there are plenty of ppl who havent been tested yet and sadly some ppl are allowing ignorance to lead the way i wish i could stay home but sadly iam considered an essential worker bcuz i work in a state run mental illness facility which runs 24/7/365 so virus or not we have to report to work to care for those ppl who are housed there i hope when everything is over with every one learns to be better prepared and that all businesses small and big private govt owned have a contingency plan for all its employees bcuz the uncertainty of it all its the cause of ppl panic buying and anxiety


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