It’s about to GET BAD in TEXAS!!! REAL BAD!!!

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A local school district in Texas just pulled several books out of their library and two of them are very telling. First, they have …

45 replies
  1. JESUSisLORD1000
    JESUSisLORD1000 says:

    Romans 1
    18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
    19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
    20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
    21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
    22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

  2. Mary Perrysmith
    Mary Perrysmith says:

    James my sis lives in Amarillo Texas. At the high schools kids now identifying as animals. Teachers are to allow all that that entails such as sounds like pigs dogs cats lions and so on. It’s chaos in the schools now. People are pulling there kids out home schooling !!! Can you imagine?!!!

  3. Adrian Juarez
    Adrian Juarez says:

    I read in a comment that the books are back in Texas thank god for that don’t commiefornia Texas and stay the hell away from az why Anne frank first of all? Don’t give them any god damn breathing room parents there your kids not theres!

  4. borebrush
    borebrush says:

    This is fake news…

    “Fake news. They didn’t pull the Bible. That was the media lumping the Bible in with all the Pedo books that were taken out of the libraries. What happened was the lefty librarians got some parents to challenged the Bible and the graphic novel adaptation of the Diary of Ann Frank to try and muddy the waters of what was going on. The district pulled all the books that were challenged (except the Bible) until they could get a handle on what was going on. Then the media reported that the list of challenged books had been taken out and included the Bible because it had been challenged previously. That guy needs to talk to someone who knows and not take a liberal rag’s word. That dumb ass on 660am in the mornings did the same thing and our school board President went on his show and ripped him a new one for being irresponsible. “

  5. Saddle Strong
    Saddle Strong says:

    Please pastor James please please speak about these wicked video games out there especially this new Lamb cult game. They say their are been over 1M views already. I know their can be repeat hits by ppl who make new names.

  6. shrimp&grits
    shrimp&grits says:

    What right does a School Board member or group, or a Teacher have to cherry-pick History?? What's ironic is they're so worried about removing literature while the US is continuing to rank near the bottom in education. Don't worry woke Teach'es…you won't have any spare time to focus on erasing history because you'll be too busy teaching illegals how to read, write and speak English.

  7. granny baker
    granny baker says:

    It's OK for the school to have the books like 'Adam Marries Steve' or 'Johnny wants to become Janie', but get rid of that evil Bible. Jesus is gonna make it real, real soon!!!

  8. Doug McGuire
    Doug McGuire says:

    Be careful when the masses hype up a state everyone should move to, or a region for a certain faction of people. These times call for great discernment and an all day prayer life.

  9. B Clay
    B Clay says:

    The bigger Texas cities are more sold out to liberalism. Texas schools all operate independently, thus Houston Independent School District. The parents need to go to the school board meetings and raise their voices! Vote the Board out! You still can effect this, PARENTS!!! Don’t give up!!!!! Call the school board members!

  10. All That Jazz
    All That Jazz says:

    Jesus fulfilled the entire law so we don't have to. We are born again and now we CANNOT sin. 1 John 3:6-9 John 8:34 Colossians 1:20. ALL THINGS reconciled. To the pure ALL THINGS are pure. We are no longer under the law. But under Grace. Thank you Jesus.

  11. jerry douglas
    jerry douglas says:

    They have said in their evil hearts their is no God Roman's 1:18-32 . God bless brother James and we'll see you soon in the air in our glorified body's to be with our lord and savior Jesus christ for all eternity. Blessed be the name of our lord Jesus 🙏


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