Italian Sausage Lentil Soup in the Instant Pot!

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We’re making a delicious soup that is easy and delicious! Plus, we show how to proof bread in the Instant Pot. Find the recipe here: …

1 reply
  1. Judy, Judy, Judy
    Judy, Judy, Judy says:

    Since the first time I saw your beautiful family I have enjoyed watching you cook together. The children are so nice & polite. It is amazing how experienced they are at doing these cooking chores. My goodness, Rachael can chop that celery better than I can. Such a good mommy to work so loving & patient (and often) with the children! The children even know what results to look for when they are doing the cutting, chopping…that is experience, so we know they "help" often! You are teaching the children such a great thing for them to know…and how to not waste anything! Mmmmm, it all looks so good. That pot is chucked full of the nice, delicious, fresh goodness! Ready in just 15 minutes!!! I never thought of rising bread in the I pot! You can lay a damp dish cloth over the spewing valve & it spews into the cloth! But, the flavors blend so well while the I pot is releasing the pressure on it's own that it is worth the wait! I have never seen or heard of that bread before…delic!!!!! Thank you for this 101 class!!! hugs to you all, Judie


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