Italian Chef SHOCKING Reaction to Worst Pasta Ever!…

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In this hilarious Italian Chef reaction video, you’ll see just how bad pasta can really be! As the chef prepares some horrific looking …

39 replies
  1. RöRÖruRUru Blueblue
    RöRÖruRUru Blueblue says:

    Compared to some of the other, stupendously horrible results that Jack has produced (like undercooking chicken to the point where it's still raw inside; not just nasty, but legitimitely dangerous to your health), this… noodle dish that he made here – sorry, Jack, I'm not calling this "pasta" – someone could at least safely eat without getting sick.
    In a way, I even believe him that one plate of that will feed 8 people. But only because, everybody will have had enough of it after just one fork. Hah!

    But seriously, as it was stated in the video, it is such a… strange and unnecessary idea to boil the noodles together with the other ingredients there. In the end, it results in cooked noodles, yes, but no sauce whatsoever, just some boiled, tasteless pieces of veggies here and there. And just look at those strips of onion clinging on there, urrghh. So yes. Not good, not good at all. Though at the very least, it's technically food, and won't kill someone, but that's the highest praise I can give it c:

  2. Damen
    Damen says:

    I think I'm gonna use these ingredients (but I want to try using fresh mozzarella instead of parmesan), but I'm gonna go ahead and boil the noodles separate and sauté the onion with the garlic. I'll also use less basil at the end and add in some fresh bay leaves and rosemary with it. The tomatoes I will cut and add in without cooking them at all.

    He's got the all the puzzle pieces he needs, but he decided to take a hammer to get the pieces to fit together.

  3. Dwayne Clemons
    Dwayne Clemons says:

    Nothing personal against the chef/gentleman, named Jack. But no! I'm sorry to honestly say that I find his method, "lazy man", or not, to be quite bizarre. Speaking as someone who happens to be African-American, I guess I was fortunate to first of all, once had a girlfriend who happened to be Italian/Armenian, but really takes to her Italian side, who schooled me on some of the basics in Italian food and cooking. Furthermore, I've had a host of Italian friends, who schooled me on basics as well. One friend in particular, from Naples, who showed me how to make "Puttanesca." And it's pretty much the same way how you make it Vincenzo. as for jack, perhaps I can deem his recipe not as Italian food, but some other style. In spite what one may, or may not think of it. But it's not Italian. I don't know. I can only imagine.

  4. SJNCLady
    SJNCLady says:

    Chef….this is a man who thinks you make bean salad by adding a scoop of mayonnaise to a can of baked beans. Personally, I think his channel is a troll channel, and he knows his recipes are sh*t.

  5. Tiber Septim
    Tiber Septim says:

    We got my Grandmother a very good knive set from Japan for Christmas, she still uses her old one that she got as a goodie from a cooking magazene in the 70s xD.

    And my personal philosophy is…the less I use the less I have to clean xD.

  6. Skinjob
    Skinjob says:

    Vincenzo, please watch Jack eating almost raw chicken, and then reconsider about him being the worst cooking show. Or go watch Kay's cooking 😄

  7. yorkaturr
    yorkaturr says:

    Cooking pasta properly seems pretty simple. Just boil it first, put the pasta to the side and then create the flavors in another pan. Then mix in the boiled pasta in the other pan.

  8. John Smith
    John Smith says:

    This mans unhealthly food habits caught up to him, Jack recently had his 4th stroke. His third stroke disabled one of his arms, and the 4th disabled his legs, now hes only got 1 working arm left that has no sensation in it. He wont be making any cooking videos anymore

  9. Tessa Warhol
    Tessa Warhol says:

    The most blasphemous thing I ever did to pasta was boiling it in polish spice mix but trust me its damn good. And this atrocity is something not even those who put ketchup on pasta would approve.

  10. Aznaktax
    Aznaktax says:

    In all honesty, this is pretty tame compared to most of what I have seen from these Jack reaction videos. Take the raw onion out and I would call it edible.


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