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I love making soups and stews in the Instant Pot. Here is a rustic Italian bread soup, perfect for those cold nights. Patreon page:

32 replies
  1. Lisa Sargent
    Lisa Sargent says:

    I love, love, your fantastic Cat Apron. Are you a feline lover?
    I love the felines of the world..domestic & wild. Through the ages they have endured so much mostly by the hands of man! You are an excellent cook. Thank you for sharing & keeping it real.
    Lisa Sargent, Utah

  2. Glenda David
    Glenda David says:

    Flo if you have a Big Bunch or Celery and its going dry Just Pop it in a Bowl with some room temp water and maybe a half a tsp of sugar, let it stand in the water bowl if you can over night or at least 2 hours, leave it on the Counter for under over night sitting. In the 2 hours it will be like Fresh Celery when you bought it! Yay! Saving Money makes us Happy ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. King Moron Productions
    King Moron Productions says:

    I'm making this tomorrow, can you please confirm that you didn't soak your beans overnight or anything, you just cooked them for 1 minute on High with 60 minute Natural Release? I don't want to make a silly mistake because I've never used dried beans before! Thanks!

  4. Vanessa Marie
    Vanessa Marie says:

    What brand are your knives If you donโ€™t mind me asking? The way your knives cut through the meats and chop your veggies is amazing to me. I feel like I canโ€™t get my knives to cut through butter some days ๐Ÿ™

  5. Mel's Simple Meals
    Mel's Simple Meals says:

    Does it feel nice not to be on the road anymore ? Still getting used to it ๐Ÿ™‚ This soup looks so good and I have never heard of this recipe. I'm definitely going to try it in my newish 3 qt instant pot !

  6. pesto12601
    pesto12601 says:

    Really wish you had more subbers… you so deserve them and the $$$ that come along with the views! Some of these new IP "cooks" have so many and you basically started the whole YT IP cooking… these other folks are trying way too hard to monetize things… and they are so fake! Gooooo FLO!

  7. Susan Morelli
    Susan Morelli says:

    Good job Flo! Save your old celery, veggie scraps in a zip lock bag and throw in the freezer. When you have a good bag full make veggie stock in your instant pot. Here is a little Italian knowledge for you….celery, onion and carrots are called mirepoix in France (as you already know ๐Ÿ˜Š)….in Italy these three veggies are called Soffritto, the Holy trinity. Ciao Bella! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  8. Mike Parish
    Mike Parish says:

    Something I've found out while pouring from the store purchased stock box. Instead of pouring with the spout at the bottom, pour with the spout at the top. That way the liquid inside will not splash (or gurgle) has you pour. Found this out only after causing a mess on my stove top too many times.

    Love your videos, subscribed a while ago and, so far, haven't missed any.

    Tried your recipes and my wife and I have fun played around with different ingredients. Some worked and some…….nope!

    Vancouverite now living in Toronto.


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