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Iron overload is common on the carnivore diet. One way to manage it is to donate blood. What if you can’t donate for various reasons? How can you get the iron …

6 replies
  1. Lukegear
    Lukegear says:

    This problem was overly stated by Frank I think, if you eat a variety of animal products, like primitive humans did, it's not something that will happen. Iron overload happens to carnivores that refuse to eat organs or seafood. It's not like carnivores need to donate blood, that's an overstatement. Frank over indulged himself in one type of food a type of duck liver, and that's so unnatural.
    Carnivore will help you heal and is sutainable long term, but I believe that something between 70-100% animal based is what would be most healthy for pretty much everyone. For one thing, people that derive most of their nutrition from plants are suboptimal and don't even realize it, the forms of nutrients are less bioavailable and they are bound in plant tissues as well.
    Respectfully, I think this was very surface level overview on carnivore and what you overlayed on this video is not even remotely a concern for someone trying to eat an ancestrally appropriate diet, such as carnivore. That's something we could discuss on stream as well, because I don't think you understimate the healing power of being animal based and overstimate the issues.
    Hope you're doing well 😉

  2. Anonymous Guest
    Anonymous Guest says:

    Sounds like those with too much iron are in good position to do a EDTA heavy metal detoxification protocol. From what I remember it pulls out ALL metals not just the toxic ones. So supplementing with fulvic acid is recommended. Of course this is just what I remember when looking into detoxing. Silica was the way I decided to go without the worry of leaching all my minerals.


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