Is the Aer Disc Container worth it?

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Is the Vitamix Aer Disc Container worth it? How about if you’re dairy-free? Here’s how we use ours. Watch! Click “Show More” for …

17 replies
  1. LifeIsNoYoke
    LifeIsNoYoke says:

    i pour my heart and soul into these videos and then stare blankly at the comment section knowing it's important to leave the first one but with nothing left in the tank and the kids needing snacks, i'll leave a note of gratitude. thanks for watching and supporting our work 🙏🏼

  2. azad khan
    azad khan says:

    great video because I love strawberry lemonade and hate to buy store bought because of all the sugar and crap in it. Also, I appreciate you doing the aquafaba whipped cream and being honest that it was not tasty at all!!! dreams are crushed on that one. can you please do a non dairy whipped cream in that container trying different types of non dairy milks? to see which one is best please please please and maybe you can come up with more recipes for this container too.

  3. Melissa Dougherty
    Melissa Dougherty says:

    OOOH Now you've gone and done it. Great video. Gotta do the lemon strawberry and the Mojitos. Just ordered it from your site. I think I will try whipping up Almond coconut milk and see what it does. Your videos are the bomb.

  4. Susan Walton
    Susan Walton says:

    Your so appreciated..and your lovely family…you keep it pretenses..gotta love the bloopers🤣
    Vitamix is lucky to have you…they should be making commercials..wonder what's wrong..surely they've thought about it..?? You could be their mascot…wouldn't that be awesome!
    What a riot! Maybe they'll read this..??

  5. Elaine Lott
    Elaine Lott says:

    This was a very informative video!! I learned a lot from you today !! I appreciate the fact that you were honest about your makes !!! Your family is awesome!!!


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