Is Keto diet or carnivore diet best for you? How to choose which diet: Keto or Carnivore diet (2021)

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Is Keto diet or carnivore diet best for you? How to choose which diet: Keto or Carnivore diet (2021). Have you been wondering which diet is best for you, Keto or …

8 replies
  1. penny laCombe
    penny laCombe says:

    Been strict carnivore for two years. Doing fine, no complaints….. then a couple of weeks ago I went to a big store to do shopping and it was packed with unmasked tourists . I caught a really big bad cold for the first time in 15-20 years! I never get colds…. when I started feeling stronger I really began to crave the cool veggies…. lettuce, cucumbers, zucchini…. I went to the farmers market and even got some cherry tomatoes (yellow) and broccoli. It’s been so long since I’ve wanted those things. Ive been gorging myself for days now…. I’m a vinegar and oil person, so it’s been all as salads. I’m almost finished today and uncomfortably considering adding those veggies back in maybe…… maybe because I’m not trusting that it won’t be just that and I’m not wanting to open the door to any old habits. Today’s the first day I’ve felt normal in two weeks…..
    we’ll see 🤜🤛🦋

  2. Danielle Barnett
    Danielle Barnett says:

    I was keto for 2 years and started to gain the weight back last year. I've been trying to go carnivore since November and have not lost weight… in fact I've gained 20 pounds!! It's like I'm hungry!! I IF for 20 hours, eating 4 hours. I workout hella hard (strength training and running 17 to 20 miles per week, starting to incorporate sprinting instead of steady state). What am I doing wrong??? I have not lost any weight in over a month. Eating grassfed/finished beef, pastured eggs, cut out dairy… nothing's working.

  3. Roma
    Roma says:

    I can't do keto, because I have hashimoto's and lyme disease. I was doing carnivore, but 2 weeks ago I have my blood results and my cholesterol was 220, for first time in my live my cholesterol was high… the doctor told me to reduce red meat… Now I am afraid to continue eating carnivore only, so I am thinking to go into ketovore… but I don't know what could be my better option, because what I said about hashimoto's and lyme… Please could you let me know what your opinion is about cholesterol?

  4. Mike Taylor
    Mike Taylor says:

    Keto 3 years, hit plateau, went carnivore, 1 year ago, I am food addictive,and a minimalist by default cause I’m a OTR truck driver who can’t and doesn’t want to cook or shop,I am carnivore for good, I love it for the simplicity of it ,


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