Is It Goodbye?! // Week 179 Keto Journey

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40 replies
  1. Paula Monroe
    Paula Monroe says:

    Thanks Jess for your honesty. Understanding the emotional attachment some of us have to food may be the core to our issues with weight gain. I love it! This is not goodbye!! It is okay to not live a restricted life FOREVER!!

  2. Yankee Poodle
    Yankee Poodle says:

    I think I have gained 40 also I haven't been on a scale in over 6 months. I had lost 93 lbs.with only 10 to 12 to go. Understand what you are saying. I will now eat only cake that is real cake so I won't feel deprived. That makes sense it won't be the last time you have this. There will be another chance to eat it. Do you make the fries in your Brevile? I bought one for Christmas and slowly learning to use it. My problem also is that I work in my feet from 1-10 pm. My feet hurt a lot

  3. Colleen
    Colleen says:

    Mindset shift sounds like what your struggling with. I’ve been there.. I started following Dy Ann Parham. She is positive and thought provoking. She wants to help you find for yourself how to live your most authentic life. She may help you too. Best to you Jess.

  4. Samantha Storm
    Samantha Storm says:

    I don’t know anything, but my feeling is that we only have three macro nutrients. I’m skeptical that nature wants us to effectively eliminate one of them. I think it’s likely finding a good balance of those three macronutrients. There is now evidence that too much saturated fat increases blood sugar, and therefore, insulin resistance.

  5. Velocity Girl
    Velocity Girl says:

    My first year if I just took a bite of something I’d BINGE before I could never have another bite again lol!! It was such a dark year but at some point … I RELAXED lol. There will be more cake for me and I stopped bingeing! I SO RELATE!! 💯 it changes the game!

  6. Lisa Lanik
    Lisa Lanik says:

    Can’t stress this enough. Hormones and vitamin deficiencies play a HUGE role on the emotional aspect of weight loss. It’s important to have a full panel of bloodwork done. There are cortisol levels, adrenal fatigue, hormonal changes, depression from vitamin deficiencies, etc. Also there are food sensitivities that reek havoc and inflammation in our bodies. IF and Ketovore is the best and easiest way to eliminate problem foods and reset your body. Try 20 hour fasts with nothing but water, black coffee with NOTHING added and tea. You will feel your body healing. In the feasting window only healthy keto and carnivore. You would be surprised how many vegetables with lectins and oxalates that some people cannot tolerate and make them hold onto weight. Wish you the best! 😊

  7. Tina Christenson
    Tina Christenson says:

    I have a question. Did being restrictive help you lose your original weight? If it worked the first time, why do you say being restrictive doesn’t work? You know that when you loosened up on the restrictions, you gained 40 lbs. It seems pretty cut and dry to me. I’m an addict. A carb addict. I can’t have ANY carbs. I will binge like an alcoholic. I hope you will do well with your new path, it wouldn’t (hasn’t in the past) work for me.

  8. Pris S
    Pris S says:

    I think you have done a great job and do not beat yourself up. I would consider Ozempic/Wegovy or Mounjarno which help attacks the hormonal issues that keep us obese. Of course life style is important and addressing emotional eating it is important but if it was that simple then more people would be successful. The lifestyle and behavioral measures do not address hormonal issues which are very powerful. I am grateful they finally have medications that can truly help obesity.

  9. Lisa Kuzma
    Lisa Kuzma says:

    This is actually kind of mind-blowing when you think about it. What if half the battle is just changing our narrative around food and around WHO WE ARE in relation to food? What if challenging ourself to 'just one bite' was a way to strengthen a muscle, so to speak? I have a mickey of rum in my kitchen cupboard. It's been there for seven years. Sometimes, at Christmas, I'll treat myself to a hot rum toddy. The bottle is still half full. Lots of alcoholics in my family for whom that bottle would not have lasted a day. But because my personal narrative is "I'm not really much of a drinker", it doesn't bother me at all. What if a person who usually over-indulges in potato chips (for example) were to keep a tube of Pringles in their cupboard and challenge themselves to only eat one a day? How empowering would it be to know that you have mastery over food (and not vice-versa)? Just a thought…

  10. Nikki R.
    Nikki R. says:

    You had mentioned listening to Corrine Crabtree a while back – thanks for that tip! She has some pretty wise words. She said to plan your food at the beginning of each and every day. If you plan to eat out, then plan for that! Have a few fries, but order a small portion, not a large. Eliminates the guilt. But STICK to the plan that you had for the day! If something unplanned comes up, give yourself the "talk" that you can have it tomorrow if you so choose, but you have already planned your food for today and that "unplanned food" is not part of your goal. Good luck Jess!

  11. Sherry Cooper
    Sherry Cooper says:

    I totally relate to you Jess. You sound EXACTLY like ME !! Another problem I have with having CHEAT FOODS in the house… my head keeps talking to me about it being there and the talking DOESN'T STOP till it's GONE!! So I have a tendancy to over eat it till it FINISHED just so that the constant CALLING Stops !! I'm so Messed Up! I wish I was a person that could take one bite and be ok with it and the calling stops! Something I definitely have to work on!

  12. Susan Hancock
    Susan Hancock says:

    Your “ah ha” moments are soooo helpful for me. That’s exactly what I’ve been doing, and why it’s so hard to get back to keto. We don’t have to say goodbye forever to cake. Thank you!

  13. Connie Wheat
    Connie Wheat says:

    I am finding that limiting the amount of time I allow myself to eat; instead of the amount or kind of food,really helps. I am having great success with a fasting/feasting lifestyle. My body is responding well to this. I’m enjoying reasonable amounts of foods I enjoy, and I eat until I feel very satiated, for a limited amount of hours, every day. Sometimes we have to switch things up, and find new ways to work with our bodies, and lifestyles. Nothing is set in stone; we have to be flexible with ourselves.

  14. Donna Hall
    Donna Hall says:

    Thanks Jess! I am glad that mentioned that I could get a second sample pack of LMNT for only 5 for shipping and it should be on it's way. I haven't been doing to good with keto lately, so this can help me get back on track. Yippie!!!!!!!

  15. Johnny Wang
    Johnny Wang says:

    Just wait till you reintroduce carbs back to your diet. You might gain up to 80 pounds back because of a carb restriction and starvation phenomena called post starvation syndrome. And you need carbs to lose all the weight.


    So I have to tell you you and I started on the same day we are both the same weight I am down to 169.9 I've lost 212 lb I have switched over to low carb from Keto however I do not exceed 50 carbs a day I eat whatever I want but I don't need bread I'm sad that you found 40 lb back but honestly I'm so sick and tired of YouTubers saying I'm quitting kiddo and I'm really very upset because I followed so many wonderful people and I'm very grateful that they help me find my way but it looks like I'm on my own and I'm all right with that good luck on your new Journey very disappointed but I won't be giving up

  17. Decor Chronicles
    Decor Chronicles says:

    I signed up to Corrine Crabtrees program and she teaches this, it’s all mental and how we talk to ourselves. Absolutely no restrictions. Finally after years and years of struggling something clicked. I no longer binge, I’m not on a diet anymore I just eat like a “normal” person it’s so freeing!

  18. Bonnie Le
    Bonnie Le says:

    Thanks so much Jess for the validation of what I go through day after day after day. I can relate to your story about your sister. Years ago, I had a very thin co worker that would only ever eat one or two bites and happily go on her way. She liked chocolate, but, she was able to eat one piece, one hershey kiss, or a bite of one hershey's nugget! At lunch, she would only ever take one small piece of whatever was for lunch that day (worked in a Dr's office and we had reps that would bring us lunch daily) and she would be quite satisfied. To this day, I still cannot understand how she or anyone can do this! I haven't that will power, if I eat something good, I want to eat the whole thing and even want to lick the plate clean! LOL

  19. Annette Sandrock
    Annette Sandrock says:

    On occasion, I will get sushi when I'm out. Otherwise, I don't want to eat a bite of those high carb foods. I make or buy keto treats. I have gained a few pounds recently because I am having lots of trouble sleeping 😴

  20. Linda Miller
    Linda Miller says:

    I think I’ve suffered from this type of “limited supply” mentality for a long time. Greg Doucette’s videos resonate with me because he says to not restrict foods – just bring it into the circle. Which means create a healthier version of the foods you like. It won’t be good as the original, but it will most likely satisfy you enough to keep you on track. And if you want to have the original, then go ahead and do it once in a while. I took some time to stop demonizing foods, and allow myself the permission to eat what I want, but making healthier versions most of the time. I went back to keto because I’m trying to resolve some health issues, but I took his advice to give myself permission to eat keto versions of things I typically would want to eat absent dieting. After a few months, I can honestly say I really don’t want the real versions of my favorite foods. It doesn’t bring me enough incremental satisfaction to justify it. But going through the process you are right now is a necessary step.

  21. Tiffany Pelky
    Tiffany Pelky says:

    I hope this works for you but my life weight loss journey is like yours and this sounds like the addiction kicking in. Alcoholics can’t just take a drink here and there. Good luck Jess, God bless!

  22. Ketoish
    Ketoish says:

    Good for you for doing what works for you and figuring out the mindset that is helpful for you. I tried being a little less restrictive and eating more carbs as long as they were whole foods, but it was too much of a slippery slope for me and the urge to consume the sweets, once introduced, was too strong—even with a pieces of fruit (I love fruit!!).

  23. Susan Heller
    Susan Heller says:

    Jess, I think you need to accept the word restriction as part of your life. Every eating plan has restrictions except the Standard American Diet. On a low calorie diet, you are restricting calories. On a keto diet you are restricting carbs. Choose your diet and accept restrictions. You can’t lose weight without restrictions. You just have to accept that you will be on a restricted diet or just go with SAD. Hope this is an Aha moment for you.

  24. Lou Hollar
    Lou Hollar says:

    My husband doesn’t overeat because he doesn’t have food addiction. I do not over consume alcohol because I’m not an alcoholic. We both have addictions, mine is just more socially acceptable. No amount of me telling myself that I’ll be able to eat chips tomorrow is going to stop me from eating more than I know I should. Jess, I really hope this method works for you! I really wish it were an option for me 😐.

  25. Andrea RC
    Andrea RC says:

    That makes complete sense to me. Thank you. I have the same problem if I cheat I don't just have the bite I dive in and overindulge. This simple reminder to myself might be a game charger. Thank you!

  26. Shell
    Shell says:

    Hallelujah!!!! I could scream!! You have helped me in helping your self. Thank the most high for you on today! I am with you. I don't have to eat like it's the last supper
    I am so going to apply this. Thank you! 💞

  27. Kimberly Cowie
    Kimberly Cowie says:

    Makes perfect sense. Never say never is what I try to remember and I'm trying to train myself to stop saying "I CAN'T have that"… yes I can. I'm choosing to be healthy in this moment, maybe some other time I'll indulge (much better to say). We went to a restaurant last night and ordered a couple of appetizers to start (it was my Mom's 90th birthday). I had 3 mozzarella sticks (8 carbs each) and then had a steak with shrimp and broccoli for dinner. I did skip the dessert but I coached my way through that saying… "maybe some other time I'll have a couple of bites 😉). I've been on the yo yo binge carbs and back to 100% keto… I don't enjoy that and it can't be healthy, right!?! Thank you for your video because this really confirms to me exactly what you are saying and what i need to continue to do… not never, just not now (or maybe a little now, and more later when I choose to and in the right proportion)… HUGS… love your videos. You go girl‼️🥰


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