Iron Rich Vegan Foods Tier List (BEST & WORST SOURCES)

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In this video I rank the top iron rich plant based foods from best to worst sources! I also give you tips on how to increase iron …

50 replies
  1. @JazzedatHome
    @JazzedatHome says:

    Hey, Derek! Thanks so much for making this 😀 One thing to ponder re: tahini is whether it's made from hulled seeds or non-hulled seeds? Hulled seed tahini is way less bitter and more palatable, but also less nutritious. Then again, people probably aren't going to be eating gallons of it, so I don't know how much difference that makes, in the end. I discovered this discrepancy when I was researching non-dairy food sources of calcium, BTW. Sesame seeds are normally listed as being a good source of calcium, but I had to dig a little deeper and it turns out that they are not really, without those bitter hulls. Blessings!

  2. @harvey8138
    @harvey8138 says:

    I know too many meat eaters deficient in iron, yet I've been vegan for over 9 years now and have healthy iron levels!
    Watching this video reminds me to stay in check 🙂

  3. @blewis8996
    @blewis8996 says:

    Carob powder is very high at 6.6 mg per Tbs, which is only 8 grams, so 100 grams would have 82.5 mg per 100 grams, if my math is correct. Of course, no one would actually eat that much in one sitting😂 But I can easily eat 1 Tbs of it in a day:)

  4. @user-ui1xs5go9v
    @user-ui1xs5go9v says:

    I was very confused by the 100 grams …I would have preferred calories … 100 grams is 3.5 oz… maybe to have used 28 grams … 100 grams of most foods would be a lot of calories …

  5. @carmenbailey1560
    @carmenbailey1560 says:

    I laughed when you talking about blackstrap molasses. Well as a 70 year old, I remember having molasses with bread & butter. Truthfully, I have some in my fridge right now. I haven’t used it for quite a while, but my husband loves it and every once in a while he’ll dive in. Just wanting to share because of you I use tahini for my salads every day and never touch oils Thank you for all your information. Enjoy your videos again thank you.👍❤️🙂

  6. @ionawoodart
    @ionawoodart says:

    Thanks of this video! Helps a lot! I just wonder … here in finland, I rarely find hemp seeds (or like the hemp hearts you eat) but you can find a lot of flax seeds. 5.7mg of iron in 100gr. Also a decent source of iron! 🙂

  7. @amystrickland7162
    @amystrickland7162 says:

    I would love a video about grab and go foods that are actually grab and go. I have ADHD and twin one year olds, and so during the day the executive functioning is gone and its hard to feed myself. I'd love some ideas for things i can literally grab without 5 mins prep. Chopping an apple is max effort when im burned out.

  8. @aleksandarGru77
    @aleksandarGru77 says:

    Hi, I seem to have some kind of problem. I am 16, i am on plant based diet with eliminating as much of processed foods as possible, I am also very physically active and do regular exercise. I never have stress, but, in the last 15ish months, I have had some weird, mild and vague feeling in my liver area. Recently I had it checked via bloodwork and ultrasound. I have iron 8 points above upper limit (could that be the cause of the weird liver pain, maybe) and my liver was very slightly enlarged. If anyone knoes what this is, I would be very grateful. I am worried that it might be hemochromatosis.

  9. @medi_okra_guy
    @medi_okra_guy says:

    That is awesome! I never realized that the tofu scramble i make in the mornings had so much iron between the tofu, black beans, kale, and hempseeds. Could you do a video about the best pre workout snacks to have? Maybe another tier video like this one?

  10. @kathygregg1016
    @kathygregg1016 says:

    Derek, as usual, awesome comprehensive presentation. I live over in Vancouver, 75, on chemo, and heart wonky from the cocktail. Send a kind thought to me, please. I've enjoyed your videos for the last year or so. You and Crystal can be completely hilarious without trying. Need your up beat input! And kitties! Kathy

  11. @AtomicAbby42
    @AtomicAbby42 says:

    Thinking about the white vs brown rice, if the iron content is not in the hull, it would make sense. You would have the same iron content, but with less mass of rice. So when you make 100g of rice without the hull on it you are actually getting more iron vs 100g with the hulls. Just a theory.

  12. @M077Y
    @M077Y says:

    I can't believe you don't like almonds…!! They're probably my flavourite nut, aaaah!!!
    Great video regardless, thanks for the info, gonna add/swap out some more to up my iron intake, thank you!

  13. @deepakhiranandani6488
    @deepakhiranandani6488 says:

    Thank you for the good video. Might white rice have a surprisingly high amount of iron because, by an old law, supplemental iron has to be added to it (I don't actually know of such a law but it's conceivable)? Staple foods like flour, dairy milk and salt do – or did at some point – have laws or quasi compulsory guidelines for added nutrients.

  14. @hironakamura3466
    @hironakamura3466 says:

    Lentils contain a large amount of ferritin-iron (up to 70%) which is absorbed through a separate ferritin port. Even phytic acid or tannins don't reduce the absorption of ferritin-iron. So lentils are for sure number 1

  15. @MrRibbett454
    @MrRibbett454 says:

    It's funny, before I watched your video I said to myself, "I bet Blackstrap molasses rates highly". Never had it, never seen it, never intend to eat it, and had never even heard of it before going vegan… it somehow became embedded in my psyche.


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