Irish Stout Beef Stew – ST. PATRICK'S DAY

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45 replies
  1. Supersonicat
    Supersonicat says:

    Simple and great version of Irish stout BS. I never thought of blending the wine with the beer. But why not? The rules of mixing the grapes with the grains doesn't apply here. Thanks Jack!

  2. John Smith
    John Smith says:

    veggies in a pressure cooker……………20 mins……………ehh…?
    makes no sense veggies in a pressure cooker for 20 mins…. = mush
    Veggies in a pressure cooker more like 4 maybe 5 mins tops

  3. David Johnston
    David Johnston says:

    Thanks so much for this recipe! I'm from Northern Ireland and this is not how we make it here. However, your stew is the best stew I've ever tasted! I substituted the Guinness stout for "Belfast Black Stout". Made this for my Parents and they were astonished, as was I. Thanks again! You're a legend!

  4. Julie Jones
    Julie Jones says:

    Actually, if you have it the next day it tastes even more yummy. But generally most soups & stews do. Which is probably why the Irish grandmother disapproves the cooking time. But the pressure cooker is a miracle of science. I do have to ask tho jack what make is the pressure cooker. I've never seen one here in the UK look like that one. It seems a very ultra modern one. Thanks.


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