Instant Pot Super Easy Potato Salad

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Cook perfect potatoes and eggs at the same time in just a few minutes! Instructions: Scrub (and peel if you like) about six or seven medium-size potatoes.

18 replies
  1. Ready for Truth
    Ready for Truth says:

    Here's a great tip I just learned about the eggs for this dish: (thanks to some youtube Angel whom I am eternally grateful to)

    Crack the eggs in a glass (oven safe) bowl. Something like a pyrex. Spray with pam first, place on top of potatoes. Then…simply cut up at the end. Makes life so much easier without peeling eggs!

  2. Jo Ann Schlicker
    Jo Ann Schlicker says:

    I don't have a steamer. Can I just put the potatoes and eggs in without the steamer? She did not show what setting she put the 4 minutes on. I just got a pot yesterday and don't know how to use it.

  3. Sheri McNary
    Sheri McNary says:

    I am usually not a big fan of potato salad, but you have changed my mind! I make it in an 8 qt and have even tried making half the recipe and the potatoes and eggs come out perfectly. I sent my mom a 3 qt and will be walking her through the steps. It will be her first time using the IP. I am anxious to see if the smaller IP needs no adjustment? I have recommended you on a couple of FB Instant Pot groups. Thank you for making this sooo easy!

  4. Diane Schuller
    Diane Schuller says:

    I've been using my instant pot quite a bit because of how easy the pressure cooking is. Today I made potato salad using your method — what a breeze. Thank you for showing how it's done!

  5. Gloria Smith
    Gloria Smith says:

    My husband made potato salad last night and we have the same expandable steamer as you. How did you get the potatoes out? Did you wait until the inner pot cooled or scoop them out into a bowl? Husband tried just lifting the steamer up but had a hard time because the potato cubes wanted to fall out the sides after it was raised out of the inner pot.


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