Instant Pot Sticky Monkey Pull-Apart Bread – Instant Pot Breakfast Idea

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Need a fun Instant Pot recipe? You NEED to try this Instant Pot Sticky Monkey Pull-Apart bread! It is PERFECT for Christmas morning, a Saturday morning, …

23 replies
  1. Jade Bell
    Jade Bell says:

    What can be substantiated for the butterscotch.. I just can’t do butterscotch flavored anything.. vanilla pudding?? Would it be good as well? 🤷‍♀️ I just can’t do butterscotch flavor.

  2. Jade Bell
    Jade Bell says:

    I just got an instant pot and I’m not so sure about it. And I’m not sure it’s for people who don’t care to cook ?? Ugh 😑 I like to cook but wanted to give one to a young new mom .. ?? She does not like to cook tho. Any suggestions?? 🙏

  3. JoAnn Hutt
    JoAnn Hutt says:

    I've been watching your videos and learning everything I can about the Instant Pot! I was lucky enough to find your channel about a year ago…shortly after I purchased my Instant Pot! Thank you for all the great recipes and this/your "Sticky Monkey Pull-Apart Bread" will be on my "menu" very soon!! Lol

  4. Ruth Ranieri
    Ruth Ranieri says:

    Got the two stacking pans for my IP and just love cooking and reheating in them. Going to see if I can reheat a damp wet towel in there to apply for medicinal reasons and if so I am getting rid of the microwave.

  5. Barbara Gates
    Barbara Gates says:

    Are the pans shown on the Amazon link below for the 3 qt size mini acceptable for this recipe. It looks like they are steaming pans not closed like the stacking pans for the other sizes? Thank you.

  6. Lucille Ball
    Lucille Ball says:

    Oh my gosh, who would have ever thought to make this in the instant pot, but you of course! Totally amazing and looks so yummy. This is going to be the greatest surprise for my husband when I make it. Thank you so much dear heart and Merry Christmas to you…. Claudia


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