Instant pot soup not Christmas stolen Nancy Today

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The recipe for Glutenfree dairy freed sugar free fruit cake but I made instant pot soup.

8 replies
  1. saved by grace
    saved by grace says:

    We love you, a bushel and a peck

    A bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck

    A hug around the neck and a barrel and a heap

    A barrel and a heap and We're talkin' in our sleep

    About you

    'Cause We love you, a bushel and a peck

    You bet your purdy neck, We do

    A doodle oodle, ooh doo

    A doodle oodle, oodle, ooh doo

    We love you, a bushel and a peck

    A bushel and a peck though you make our hearts a wreck

    Make our hearts a wreck and you make our lives a mess

    Make our lives a mess, yes a mess of happiness

  2. A Layne
    A Layne says:

    Maybe a seatbelt might keep me still, lol. A tip for you to remember if you have used an herb or spice. When I put the ones on I’ll be using on the counter, I close the bottle and flip it upside down that way I know I’ve used it . I hope this helps. Love you Nancy, Ann

  3. A Layne
    A Layne says:

    Flaxseed also known as linseed, can be substituted with chia seed and psyllium husk and hemp seed. They are all used as a thickener in crust, soup etc. I hope this helps!

  4. Dorothy Broyles
    Dorothy Broyles says:

    When you are feeling a little sluggish ,try 2 Tablespoons apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of honey in a cup then add boiled water in your cup stir and drink. This works for me every time when I am feeling blah,makes me feel better.


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