Instant Pot SC Chicken Bog | Kaye Carter

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21 replies
  1. Kevin Hunter
    Kevin Hunter says:

    Chicken bog been around SC since the 19th century if not longer. The reason the purists put a whole chicken in was cuz the bones made a broth with the water they used in it. Now days we can just buy broth so don’t have to use whole chicken if ya don’t want to. Great vid thanks

  2. Jay Lancaster
    Jay Lancaster says:

    Hopefully you have learned to properly Brown your chicken by now…but in case you haven't, do it in smaller batches. You should have split your chicken in thirds. All you did was steam it. When you said that you had browned it on all sides, none of it had actually been browned.

    And NEVER put your hand over the steam release…you almost seriously burned yourself.

  3. gaston levet burrous
    gaston levet burrous says:

    This instant pot is really really good to use>>> I really saved a lot of time to watch the fire stew, and the soup taste really good too , I can prepare the cooking, don't have to wait it all the time, after i finish cook other dishes, soup is cook complete too. super time saving, simple and convenient to use

  4. junbug1029
    junbug1029 says:

    Kaye, this looks so good! My beef stew was a hit, Mike made pork ribs in the IP last night and OMG, they were so good and tender. Have you tried hard boiling eggs in it yet? Best I've ever had and they only take 6 minutes to cook AND they peel very easily. Mike is going to try osso buco and my next dish will be butter chicken. We love the IP!! Love you my sweet friend! Joan

  5. MsCavalier01
    MsCavalier01 says:

    Hi Kaye! This looks felicious! I love that pressure cooker! I never saw one that you can saute and pressure cook in. Thanks for sharing! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Lots of love, Colleen xox 🙂


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