Instant Pot Recipes – Struggle Meals – Sticky Pork & Cock-a-Leekie Soup

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I share my Instant Pot Recipes for Sticky Pork & Cock-a-Leekie Soup. Two of my favourite and thanks to the Instant Pot very very quick meals. Recipe for Ginger …

47 replies
  1. Heather Tucker
    Heather Tucker says:

    Thank you for two lovely recipes! I had a pressure cooker old style many years ago which blew up! Sadly I was cooking beetroot at the time! I’ll leave you imagining the state of my kitchen!

  2. Lesley French
    Lesley French says:

    I don't have a pressure cooker, my parents had one in the 70's and it was scary. I have looked at the end instant pots and after seeing this am going to get one. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Simone DUTCH
    Simone DUTCH says:

    Both dishes look absolutely delicious Jane….as always you have out-done yourself by giving us beautiful recipes. And I've never tried Sticky Pork like this before, but it will certainly be on my menu plan for this week – so thank you very much. I was also wondering if you received my whatsapp message yet? I would love to hear back from you when you get a chance Jane.

  4. Pat Martin
    Pat Martin says:

    I too try not to use my electric cooker. I love my slow cooker,air fryer, toaster over. Making taste meals for most used is definitely the slow cooker which I use at least once every week.I love the idea that the instant pot browns everything it really does seem like a one pot wonder.
    Pleased to see you have got to 10,000 subscribers, you and Mike make such interesting and informative videos. Can’t wait for the next one.

  5. Janet Jones
    Janet Jones says:

    I look forward to trying these delicious recipes soon. I like to see healthy meals that do not cost a fortune. Thank you for these budget friendly ideas. Enjoyed the beautiful music as well.

  6. Christina Oldham
    Christina Oldham says:

    The things I regularly make in my Instant Pot are loads of soups and stews from dried beans, which we love, and which includes my Indian dals etc. I have also cooked rice and made hardboiled eggs. I have to say, I love that thing.

  7. James Bubeer
    James Bubeer says:

    Hi, love your videos.
    My wife and I are in our ‘very’ late 70s and are soup fanatics most of the year around and make them with my 35 year old pressure cooker which is still going strong after more than 35 years. Usually end up with six substantial portions four of which go in the freezer for later so often haven four or five varieties in there to ring the changes. Wholesome and economical. A three pot slow cooker means three different meals can be cooked on slow overnight. Again economical.
    I would not be very popular if I added any extra gadgets in a kitchen of limited space.
    Keep up the good work Jane.
    Still haven’t perfected my version of Capt Jasper’s breakfast baguette yet..

  8. Sarah EES
    Sarah EES says:

    I’m getting more and more tempted to take the iP plunge, I get in from work and make a start in dinner straight away but saving some time on that would be great.

  9. Jeannette Shahenkari
    Jeannette Shahenkari says:

    Thank you Jane for the detailed instructions. Sadly, I am one of those people that was gifted an instant pot by my son, and it has sat on my counter for several years unused. My goal is to make one simple dish in it this week. Thank you for the great content and inspiration as always! 🤗👍👏

  10. Sara
    Sara says:

    I have a couple of slow cookers and love them I am a bit nervous of pressure cookers and have never used one, but I know of a lot of people who think they are great

  11. Marianne Joynes
    Marianne Joynes says:

    Jane, another great vlog! I LOVE my I P! I use it all the time. I’ve convinced 2 other people to get them & they love them too. I’m going to share your vlog with them. I’m going to make both of these recipes as I have all the ingredients for the cock a leek I’ve soup so that’s today’s meal sorted lol. Thanks. Xx

  12. Cheryl Verber
    Cheryl Verber says:

    Thank you for want me to use my pressure cooker and not be scared of it, and to move away from my slow cooker.looking forward to reacquainting myself with the pressure cooker again. Thanks 😊

  13. Julie Franco
    Julie Franco says:

    Good day! I use my instapot a lot. Today I made broth. I consider my broth for soup something I make that enhances my soup. I do it ahead of making the actual soup. I use pieces of asparagus, lemons, the bottoms of the cilantro, celery leaves and tough bottom sections, ugly, floppy carrots, etc. I use up what I have in the fridge or garden. It is so delicious. It does take prep and time before making the actual soup. Today I made a delicious lentil vegetable soup. Worth the effort! Thank you for your videos!

  14. Lulu B
    Lulu B says:

    Jane your sticky pork recipe looks absolutely delicious. Thanks for sharing. I love my instant pot and use it constantly. I cook almost exclusively in my instant pot to save on electricity. All of my baking is done in a convection toaster oven. Energy prices are rising in the US & every little bit I can do to cut energy cost is a plus.

  15. Jeannette Smith
    Jeannette Smith says:

    Hi Jane just to ask you how you manage to be so perfect do you have to put it in the budget you are all about us saving money you never tell us about having fun with out planning to do so maybe you could tell us all why this is not the war but the way you go on it feels like it Jeannette Smith

  16. Gina Stanyer Books
    Gina Stanyer Books says:

    You eat better than most non-frugal people I know!
    These recipes look wonderful. The pork recipe especially seems like a nice generic base recipe that you could swap a lot of different things in and out of (which I love). I don't have an instant pot, but I do have a pressure cooker. I keep forgetting about it, need to pull that thing out of the cupboard!

  17. Pamela Myers
    Pamela Myers says:

    Ummmmmm, you could have sticky frogs' legs! I am quite enamoured of my Instant Pot and have only used my cooker twice since I've had it. I do wish there was a temp control concerning the sauté as it seems to just get hotter and hotter, but that takes no points away. GReat little appliance. Thx for the recipes!

  18. James N Brenda
    James N Brenda says:

    I use my instant pot for
    1. Dry beans
    2. Bone broth
    3. Pasta sauces
    4. Whole chicken
    5. Roast beef
    6. Any frozen meats
    7. Boiled eggs
    Just a great all around multi-use cooker.
    You are wonderful Jane!! Really appreciate everything you put up on YouTube! God bless.

  19. Sally Bell
    Sally Bell says:

    I wanted to tell you that I made your fish pie for dinner two nights ago. I did make a couple of changes. I used a little leftover Alfredo sauce instead of your white sauce and I added some peas. My husband and I both enjoyed it. He gave it his highest compliment, “you can make that again”. Thanks for the recipe. I totally enjoy all of your videos.

  20. Mabel Marcusen
    Mabel Marcusen says:

    Thank you so much for sharing these recipes. I want to try both! I really appreciate that you share the details of your use of the instant pot. I have an instant pot and haven’t used it for a while because I got the “burn” warning and actually experienced some burning which compromised the outcome of my dishes. This happened when making two tomato-based dishes: beef chili and pasta sauce with sausage. If anyone has some advice on avoiding the burn, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks for your warm and lovely posts!!🙏🏻🌻

  21. Cycling On Plants
    Cycling On Plants says:

    Love your IP recipes Jane! I have an Instant Pot and use it several times a week. I make all sorts of food in it. I make a big batch of steel cut oatmeal every week for our breakfasts, Use it to cook rice and quinoa, cook pre-soaked beans and chickpeas , steam potatoes and vegetables. I also make stews and soups in it as well as spaghetti sauce. Yesterday I made a kale and potato soup in my Instant Pot- so that is my lunch for a few days! I love, love, love it!😍 It's not only a time saver but I can just set it and forget it! This is the best part. I'm old enough at 58 to remember my mom having an old pressure cooker and that thing always scared me to death. I have to admit it took me a couple of weeks to start using my Instant Pot when I bought it 2 years ago. Now I couldn't live without it.

  22. Kootenay2326
    Kootenay2326 says:

    I love your recipes Jane, they use ingredients easy at hand. I have a batch of sticky pork on now. Your ginger/chili/garlic sauce is a staple in my kitchen now and I can’t wait to try the finished recipe!

  23. Maureenie Hill
    Maureenie Hill says:

    I love my 2 instant pots!
    I use my 3quart for coking beans and pretty much any kind of soup. My 8 quart I use for chicken, stews, casseroles, and many other meals.
    I love that I can cook my fresh chicken eggs in the instant pot at 4 mins that the shells “jump” off the hard boiled eggs!

  24. Ophelia Lee
    Ophelia Lee says:

    I don't have a pressure cooker. Like you, I remember my Mom's scary contraption & never trusted myself not to blow up the kitchen. But after watching you with the cute little Instant Pot that looks friendly, I might try one. Then I will have no excuse for not cooking oxtails.

  25. Laura Hill
    Laura Hill says:

    I use ours regularly..batches of beans, risotto, many soups, pulled pork, shredded chicken, steamed potatoes..etc. Love it so much I’ve gifted to our 6 adult children along with a cookbook😊

  26. Mary Brady
    Mary Brady says:

    My tip for slow cooking is if you have a range/stove. I only have an ordinary saucepan. I do stews, pot roasts, soup, etc…I keep a low fire on the go. Sometimes if I'm organised enough, I will prepare next day's dinner and cook overnight. It's how they did it in the old days.💚

  27. J Lit
    J Lit says:

    We use ours to make an unstuffed cabbage and an orange chicken that rivals any Chinese restaurant’s version. The good thing about the orange chicken is that there’s no fat involved. Nothing is deep fat fried. But the taste is delicious. Thanks for the recipes.

  28. Mattie c
    Mattie c says:

    The soup looks so good that it is going on next week's menu.when I use my pressure cooker I reduce the cooking time given in the recipe by 4 to 5 minutes . I don't touch the pressure cooker for at least 5 minutes . Since the pot is sealed things continue to cook . After 5 min the pressure is gone I can open the pot . I reduce my electricity bill 5 min after 5 min , at the end of the year it makes a difference .


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