Instant Pot Popcorn (Secret Tips)

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Want to pop the perfect popcorn in your Instant Pot? Seems easy enough, right? There’s a trick to it. You can’t just use any oil and or coconut oil. The kind of oil …

27 replies
  1. G C
    G C says:

    Well, I LOVE my IP, but…..this was my first failure. I watched your video, and using your settings, I tried it 3 times – once with avocado oil & butter – second with just butter – third with less butter. The result was always the same. One or two kernals would pop, then nothing. The kernels would just sit in the oil slowly toasting to a dark brown with no more pops. We thought perhaps we bought "old" popcorn, so we tested it on the stovetop – it worked. That's why we decided to try that third time. I'm disappointed and wondering if perhaps my model Instant Pot doesn't get hot enough to do the job. 🙁 I have a new IP DUO SV 9-in-1.

  2. Phillip Mulligan
    Phillip Mulligan says:

    Yes you can make popcorn in the Instapot but not the best. The issue is two fold, the lid is not vented and too tight fitting. This will lead to slightly tough popcorn that never really popped to it's maximum potential. The second reason is you will have to be there to gently shake the pot to reduce the chances of scorching the kernels and popcorn. A better alternative is a thin walled, aluminum popcorn popper with split hinge lid and crank operated bottom stirrer, better known as a Whirl-Y-Pop popcorn popper. Amazingly for the price of a second 6 quart stainless steel liner for your Instapot you can buy a Whirl-Y-Pop. You are only going to do this in the Instapot if your kitchen is really, really puny like you find in a small motor home or you live in a shipping container apartment.

  3. TheSweetpea1971
    TheSweetpea1971 says:

    I love this! The coconut oil is amazing for this. Also try avocado oil. It's so buttery in flavor, yet healthy like coconut oil. Both alternatives are addictively delicious, and the avocado oil is also a perfect popcorn topping instead of butter!

  4. Courtney Pie
    Courtney Pie says:

    I just subbed to your channel 🙂 great video, i had no idea so many things could be made in an instant pot. Im gonna use avocado oil, it was a smoke point of 500 degrees 😱😱😱

  5. Paul Atreides
    Paul Atreides says:

    Thanks for the tip on smoke point of the oil you use. Maybe that could have been stated earlier in the video? Either way, your video helped me just cook my first batch of popcorn and I thank you for that! Peace.

  6. Samantha Banks
    Samantha Banks says:

    GREAT DEMO!!!! I made mine with ghee and butter and it came out perfect. With the Ghee and butter you don't have to add butter once popped unless you're someone who likes extra butter like myself. And it yielded 6 cups.

  7. Bryan Jensen
    Bryan Jensen says:

    Our oil popper with refined coconut oil will make 2/3-cup of "mushroom" popcorn kernels yield almost six quarts — not six cups— of fluffy popcorn.

    Also another secret: get finely flaked salt (not normal crystalized) to bring out more flavor. We use a brand called Flavacol.


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