Instant Pot Lasagna Rolls-Ups Recipe

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If you LOVE Lasagna you NEED this recipe? ______↓↓↓↓↓↓ CLICK FOR RECIPE ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓. So I’ve made Instant Pot Lasagna, (find it here: …

30 replies
  1. Six Sisters' Stuff
    Six Sisters' Stuff says:

    Ha Ha Ha! I've made a lot of people not very happy by not cooking these directly in the Instant Pot! But you totally can cook them in there! Roll them and put them in a double stack pan and cook them on manual for 1 minute. (Don't forget to add the water underneath the double stack pan) I put mine in a 9×13 pan because I wanted to cook 20. You could fit 5-7 in each double stack pan depending on how full you fill them. Sorry if I offended anyone, I did not mean to! I just cook things that work best for my family of 6. 🙂 Hope you all have a good day!

  2. JulesLew
    JulesLew says:

    Oh man, my family LOVES this recipe. You make all of the components in the instant pot and I had no problem with baking it after. It still counts…ignore the fussy people.

  3. Cheryl Hayes
    Cheryl Hayes says:

    This instant pot is really really good to use>>> I really saved a lot of time to watch the fire stew, and the soup taste really good too , I can prepare the cooking, don't have to wait it all the time, after i finish cook other dishes, soup is cook complete too. super time saving, simple and convenient to use

  4. Kara Clark
    Kara Clark says:

    WOW! Thank you so much for this new way of making lasagna! I just got an Instant Pot and have been looking for recipes to make using it! Looks yummy and I am sure it tastes just as good as it looks! 😋😋😋😋😋😋

  5. runningbear whitedove
    runningbear whitedove says:

    I just bought my instant pot today the rolls look great I’ll probably will make your chicken verde first or maybe the sticky chicken. I subscribed today I bought the instant that looks just like yours, started to get the updated version but decided against it till I learn how to use one. Excited to get started 😁

  6. gerard
    gerard says:

    I agree with doing what you want for family but don't call instant pot meals just say recipes and use Instant pot as a helper then if you want instant pot meals then do them in pot Fully just being honest with my thoughts

  7. gerard
    gerard says:

    Not a instant pot meal and pressure luck had this long ago only warm water to loosen the pasta I like your videos butmake sure you make meal a Real instant pot meal use Ins a pot in instant pot

  8. The Phoenix
    The Phoenix says:

    Hi 👋 I’m new to your channel just joined today , may I ask what size your instant pot is ?? I have not bought one yet I’m going to soon but I have no clue what size to get ?? I cook for my husband , my mom and dad and myself any advice on size would be helpful . ❤️

  9. The Baking Diva
    The Baking Diva says:

    Hi….Now these look delicious. I wasn’t using my Instant Pot much during the summer but ready to use it more now 👍 Thanks for sharing….. love watching you 😍 Hugs, Dolores…….The Baking Diva 😘


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