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1 Cup Jasmine Rice
1 1/2 Cup Water
1 tbsp Unsalted Butter
1 tsp Salt

FIrst you want to rinse the rice. Then you want to add rice, water, salt and butter and give if it a good stir. Place lid and make sure knob is on sealed. Use the manual setting and set timer on for 8 minutes. Once complete, release the pressure for about 2 minutes and then remove the lid. Now it’s time to enjoy!

Instant Pot

6 replies
  1. JazPlaysRoblox
    JazPlaysRoblox says:

    I just did jasmine rice for the first time in my IP and I looked up so many recipes before I did it…I did 2cups rice and 2cups water and salt and oil…pressure on high for 5min…when it was was sticky to the pot and mushy, also the rice wasnt as tender as I like it since my 2yrs old eats rice…I end up adding a bit more water and pressure it for another 2min and then the Food burn notice came on…the rice was mushy watery rice…I had to dump it…alot of the jasmine rice recipes I'm seeing says 2cups rice and 2cups water…should I do the 3cups water like you suggested…I always cook 2cups rice for my family…also I'm new to IP and so far I've been messing up all my recipes…I'm getting so frustrated with the IP…when you go to manual, are you pressuring the rice on 8min high…


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