Instant Pot IPA – Basic Brewing Video – April 26, 2019

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James puts his Instant Pot to good use to brew up an all-grain, hoppy IPA.

17 replies
  1. Mark Fannin
    Mark Fannin says:

    Instant Pot now has a 10 quart version called the Duo Nova. I'm just starting out as an extract & partial boil brewer, and I think I'll give the IP a try. If it doesn't work, hey, I have a 10 quart pressure cooker. Win-Win. Great video. Sincerely, Mark in Colorado.

  2. gobigparts
    gobigparts says:

    Cool, I sued to watch your videos on itunes. I think Youtube might be a much bigger platform. I am happy I found you here. I have been brewing for over 20 years. I curently am using a home made batch sparge setup I made from a big cooler and a 1/2 barrel keg and a homemade counter flow chiller going into some fermenting buckets. But I dabled commerically for a guy that had a sabo brew magic that I did many batches on.

  3. David Martin
    David Martin says:

    I’ve tried this in my IP-Duo. I use the same method of using the sauté function to reach mash temp and then canceling sauté. However, holding the mass temp seems to be an issue even with the lid on. I tried switching to the keep warm setting but it get too hot and won’t hold mash temp of around 150/155. Takes a lot of babysitting. Instant Pot should release home brewers line. Just saying.

  4. Michael Litscher
    Michael Litscher says:

    There's a real simple solution to boiling off too much of your wort. At the end of your boil, add water to bring your wort up to your desired post-boil volume. As long as you're not adding a ton of water, your wort should still be well above any necessary Pasteurization temperature and time.

  5. John Westby
    John Westby says:

    So I've been doing this for about 8 months or so now ( ) and posting videos but utilizing the temperature hold ( for mashing ) and pressure function for short boil time. I've built 4 beers now (mostly extracts) with some positive success. This was all inspired by the Basic Brewing Instant Pot Sour (which I also tried) as well as some videos on how to make wort for yeast starts. I'd love to here some comments if anyone has had some success with this.

  6. short term hobbyist
    short term hobbyist says:

    what would happen if you pressure boiled the hops? maybe just put the lid on for the last 5 mins or so to get a seal then let the pressure come down naturally during chilling "sealing in" the hop aroma…. thoughts?

  7. David Cuccia
    David Cuccia says:

    Did you stir during the "keep warm" phase? Think I remember reading on BIABinfo that a viscous mash will strongly insulate/isolate heat, and end up causing the liquid at the bottom of the kettle to superheat. So it's possible that, without stirring, the Instant Pot thinks the mash is a lot warmer than it actually is in the middle of the mash, and so "keep warm" PID control just keeps the bottom liquid warm.

  8. Vernon Tafte
    Vernon Tafte says:

    Hello my name is Vernon I’ve been making made and wine for a while about four days ago I set up half a gallon apple juice with lavender and a cinnamon stick I checked it three days later and the plastic jug was blowed up like a balloon it started fermenting I was wondering is it safe to use cinnamon stick yeast to ferment

  9. losFondos
    losFondos says:

    Very interesting! I use a similar setup (a sous vide bath) for the mash! If the preboil volume is too low I do a quick batch sparge by steeping the grain bag in 1-2 L of cold water, and then squeeze the luke warm bag to get all the sugars out.


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