Instant Pot Indian Beetroot Salad

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Yes, an Instant Pot Indian Beetroot Salad with NO GOAT CHEESE! Totally possible and very delicious! Classic Indian Beetroot Salad with yogurt, peanuts, and …

3 replies
  1. Sheila M
    Sheila M says:

    I grew up eating beets, never the tops and never thought of putting these spices on them. It was always just butter and some salt, that's it. This sounds very good. Thank you for sharing this.

  2. Paulette Gougeon
    Paulette Gougeon says:

    I must try this. Both John & I love beets and we both watch our carbs (He has to manage diabetes & I am doing everything I can to avoid diabetes because there is a hefty medical history of familial diabetes). This sounds like it would be a delish side in small portions. I may even ferment the beets first (yeah takes a few days, but a whack of the sugar is consumed & the beets taste even beetier if that is possible) and then cook & follow the directions.


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