Instant Pot – Homemade NonFat / Fat Free Greek Yogurt – Only 2 Ingredients – SUPER EASY #instantpot

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SUPER EASY Homemade yogurt in the Instant Pot!!! This only requires a .. #yogurt #instantpot #homemade #homestead …

33 replies
  1. Mr. Frost
    Mr. Frost says:

    Mix in a bit of dehydrated milk powder " I've always used fat free " and you'll get a much thicker and creamer yogurt. Unless your using raw or not so fresh milk there's seriously no need to take it to 180. Most milk is ultra pasteurized that's why we drink it straight from the carton. Yogurt recipe's are seriously outdated. Now here's the important part to make the best yogurt EVER. You want to heat it up pretty slowly to around 140ish maybe 150 and hold it there a bit. Doing this and doing it gradually does the exact same thing to the milk protein as needing dough does to Gluten. It relaxes the proteins and the strands stretch out and form a connective web and that's where the super creaminess comes from. You won't see it in the milk without a microscope but you'll see the difference in the finished product. If you Heat your milk up fast the protein strands will react to thermal shock and tighten up and shrink and you'll have already caused the Whey and Casein to start separating before even fermenting and that's what you want want to truly avoid. All proteins contract to high heat and thermal shock. You'll see it in your yogurt it will look a bit grainy instead of velvety and creamy and there will be way more whey then there should be. Good yogurt doesn't produce much whey at all Unless you doing a 12-20 hour ferment and at that point your making cheese do to Build up of lactic acid. Most recipe's and how to stuff on Yogurt falls pretty short It tells you what to do but doesn't tell you why you're doing it 🙂 I've never tried it but I strongly suspect if you mixed about a cup of yogurt in a gallon of fresh bought milk and let it sit out for and hour or two and then stuck it in the fridge in 3 or 4 days you'd have yogurt 🙂 It's always a good idea to sterilize your fermenting vessel. If you think about the common instructions you're sterilizing pasteurized milk just to dump it into an un-sterilized instant pot or yogurt maker and set at max bacterial growth temps and that makes no sense….. Instant pots should be ran with just water first to sterilize them..

  2. Molly Smith
    Molly Smith says:

    Thank you for showing using something other than cheesecloth! I have long thought that cheesecloth is probably ecologically a bad product, especially considering most people use it once and discard. Whereas a good quality cotton muslin towel can be used again and again. It saves all those manufacturing chemicals and then at the end can be composted. You've made one of the very best Instant Pot yogurt tutorials on YT, thank you! So funny other videos are so afraid of using fat free milk, thank you for your originality and helpfulness.

  3. sandra olsen
    sandra olsen says:

    The whole milk greek yogurt from Aldis taste great 👍 👌 and less expensive. And Off grid with Doug Stacy from there homestead also recommended it highly as well and taste great plain by itself to. I think its a great deal better by far then Walmart brand. Please 🙏 give it a try for 1 time and see what you think.🎉❤

  4. Lily Ana
    Lily Ana says:

    Thanks for yr recipe for Instant Pot – Homemade NonFat / Fat – Free Greek Yogurt – Only 2 Ingredients – Super Easy, I just make it and hope the yogurt that I made will be done well😀👌👍🙏

  5. Albany Mountain Homestead
    Albany Mountain Homestead says:

    The longer the yogurt incubates the more sour it becomes. I've tried not heating to 180, and it did not work out for me. I have found that using a starter from the store bought yogurt with every batch gives better thicker results. And using yogurt after freezing has also given me bad results. Just thought I'd mention what has and hasn't worked for me in the past. I discovered through an experiment that I didn't have to strain the whey (that could be why using my yogurt as a starter for future doesn't work) but getting 5 qts of yogurt from 1 gal of milk is worth it to me. I also lost weight eating full fat yogurt 2 times a day with my main meal in the middle. I do wonder why you buy whey protein powder when your getting whey from your milk products. Maybe convenience or you aren't on an extreme budget like me, I always want the biggest bang for my buck…that's just me…

  6. Rocky Hills Home
    Rocky Hills Home says:

    I use the whey in my bread making and it tastes great. My instant pot does not have a yogurt setting. I wonder if I could set the temperature low and long on the slow cooker setting?

  7. Marta Aberg
    Marta Aberg says:

    You might try cutting the time down on the next batch. Typically, yogurt gets more tart the longer it is allowed to culture. Maybe try doing ten hours on the next batch and see if it is less tart.

  8. Renita Meares
    Renita Meares says:

    I make my yogurt in my Instant Pot with Ultrafiltered milk and Chobani starter but it’s just mix in, Yogurt button for 9-10 hours and done. Aside from no whey (No Way!) I wonder what the benefits are. Might give yours a try.

  9. Michael D
    Michael D says:

    I think we might have the same or similar diet. High protein, and calorie tracking. I too opt for low fat for the fewer calories. I’ve been at it for just over a year and I am down from 380 lbs to 198 lbs. Great video, thanks for sharing. I am going to try making yogurt this week.

    Was that skim milk or 1%? I thought the caps on skim were usually pink. Does it matter either way? Thanks!

  10. Kristi D
    Kristi D says:

    Great job on the yogurt!! We make it all the time. Really close to the same way y’all are doing it. So glad to see videos from you guys again!!!

  11. Mark Beckley
    Mark Beckley says:

    Glad to see you guys are back!! Your channel is one of the few that got me interested in modern homesteading.
    Again glad to see you all are doing good and wow you have lost some weight congratulations

  12. WildEdibles
    WildEdibles says:

    Very nice I miss doing this beside the wood stove on very cold days we kept it going good and in the room was around 100 at least around the stove
    Now I just have the stove and crock pot both run too hot
    I'm making cheese at the moment I like the softer fresh cheese
    Yummy food and good food too

  13. Danielle’s Duckhead Homestead
    Danielle’s Duckhead Homestead says:

    That’s some good stuff. Made yogurt in the instant pot years ago. Time to try it again.
    My husband worked for Chobani for about 8 years so know the name well 😉 He’s used to bring tons of it home. One time we got a pallet of 1 gallon containers of plain 4% milk fat and we fed it to the pigs and chickens. They went nuts over it.
    Thanks for sharing. Take care, see ya 🙂


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