Instant Pot Fat Free Ricotta Cheese Weight Watchers 1 SmartPoint

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I am absolutely amazed at how easy this was… Yes it did take a few hours for the entire process but actual time prepping, was only …

9 replies
  1. Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper says:

    Please remember that for us out here watching you, show the "toys" you are using. When you poured that milk mixture into that sieve, I thought liquid was going to go everywhere. No idea it was sitting in it's own bowl. Ha! Great idea but would probably have to double, at least, maybe triple the recipe if using it for meal preps ie, lasagna, etc.

  2. Helen Soares
    Helen Soares says:

    Thank you so much. What was dish you made to use the Ricotta in? I ordered my yogurt maker. Can’t wait to try it along with recipe for the dish. I’m sorry I didn’t make myself clear. I know you must have better things to do. Or was I dreaming?

  3. Michelle Zerber
    Michelle Zerber says:

    If my instant pot clone does boil I will definitely give this a shot. I can't find FF ricotta anywhere. Any chance you measured the final product out to see how much it actually made?


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