Instant Pot Fast & Easy Chicken Tacos

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Make delicious homemade tacos faster and easier than you ever thought possible.

15 replies
  1. Kealani Smith
    Kealani Smith says:

    Kiddo, you are doing a great job with these fun, tasty recipes. Let me just be a mom for a moment and remind you, raw chicken is potentially bacteria riddled. So when you handle it, wash your hands before you poke at the instant pot controls. And watch out for other cross contamination. That way you'll be not only tub-u-larlly fabulous, you'll also be a healthy example.

  2. Mason Hogbin
    Mason Hogbin says:

    We absolutely LOOOOOVE our Instant Pot.>>> We got it on Prime day and have used it every day since. Like most people, we fell into a rut of making the same meals over and over. The Instant Pot has opened up a whole new world for us. We are still discovering new recipes and having a lot of fun. If you are considering one of these, don't hesitate. I HIGHLY recommend it.

  3. LovingAtlanta
    LovingAtlanta says:

    👍Wow! You know what kid??? I like you. 😁 I’m impressed. I like your style. I’ll check out your other videos too. When you grow up, you’ll never go hungry. 🤗💞🤗


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