Instant Pot dog food: Rice, barley, chicken & carrots, oh my!

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Here’s how to make easy, nutritious and delicious food for your dog in the Instant Pot. Brown rice, barley, chicken and carrots cook …

4 replies
  1. Mark Khawand
    Mark Khawand says:

    Ive got a couple questions as ours didnt work out how we thought it would. What is the water to rice ratio? I put two and a half cups of water, two and a half cups of rice, a pound of turkey, a cup of carrots and cup of spinach and thats it. My dog cannot have oils or vinegar due to a very serious dietary issue. We ended up adding more water and it turned out mushy. The machine also gave us a burn message and the rice burned and stuck to the bottom of the pot. Just trying to figure out what went wrong. Thanks for your time.


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