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Using pot in pot method, cooked Rice, Dal (Lentils) and Khatte Aloo (Sour Potatoes) at once. Instant Pot 9 in 1: Recipe: Rice: 1 cup with 2.5 …

28 replies
  1. Barb Stapleton
    Barb Stapleton says:

    I just love this! thanks so much for doing this video. I went and ordered a pot in pot for my instant pot after I saw this video. Could I ask a question about the rice layer? why did you not seal it with a lid before you set it off to cook? I noticed on other peoples videos they too cook things at the bottom (meats too etc) and just put the rice on top of a trivet in a pot with no lid. Do you want the rice take on the flavour of the potatoes(or whatevers cooking underneath) or does the rice stay white and not take up the liquids/aromas of the cooking underneath?? Thanks once again for a great video! Cheers from Australia!

  2. Hina Batra
    Hina Batra says:

    This is really helpful but could you please help guide from where to buy the stand and containers u used.. online i only get option to buy insert containers but nt the srand one u used.. please reply and let know since it ll be useful for all

  3. Debashree Mandal
    Debashree Mandal says:

    Thank you for your video. I am trying to understand the benefit of the instant pot . We can do the same thing using 3 burners right ? You do have some masala premade as well .. so how is IP a benefit

  4. Sagar Thorat
    Sagar Thorat says:

    This Instant Pot is a ridiculous machine..A pressure cooker works just fine.. and the potato curry was abysmal.. khatte Aloo was a ridiculous recipe. Probably you're an NRI who will eat anything now which has Indian spices in it to get away from western bland food… Or simply you're just an amateur cook

  5. Sonia Sharma
    Sonia Sharma says:

    I really like this idea…its time saving, electricity saving, making 3 items to eat…we can do the tadka later on…this is the normal healthy food which we indian eat everyday….. it not always restaurant type one… keep it up.


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