Instant Pot Chole | Chana Masala Curry | Indian Chickpea Curry|Pressure Cooker Cholay

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instantpotchickpeas #instantpotchole #chickpeascurry Ingredients: ************* Cumin seeds – 1 Teaspoon Whole Garam …

37 replies
  1. waterstreeter
    waterstreeter says:

    I made this today and it's really good! I used canned green chiles from the Hispanic aisle since my store didn't have the fresh green chiles. I made a batch of Basmati Rice in the IP and I really like the two together! I owe you a major apology because I added some chicken to it at the end and it tastes good to me! I like veggies as much as the next person but I thought the chicken would work and it did! Thank you for introducing me to your YT channel and recipes! I got into Indian food from of all things a Britcom called Red Dwarf. There was a character on it who just loved Vindaloo and I found a recipe for it in those pre-internet days and made that a few times. That made me curious about more Indian food and I've come to like Biryani and of course Chicken Tikka Masala, though since I can't do dairy I always omit any dairy and sub other fats for ghee! My absolute very best wishes to you and yours!!!

  2. Mario
    Mario says:

    Made this today and it was delicious. People seem to be confused in the comments – She is using a pre cooked can of chana / garbanzo. She says this clearly in the beginning.

  3. Bashie Nashie
    Bashie Nashie says:

    Thank you for using garbonzo beans from a can. As a busy mom I need all the shortcuts that I can get. Your food looked delicious and I can eat it with my eyes 😍😍. May God reward you for your efforts amen ❤❤.


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