Instant Pot Chicken Mole

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Recipe Here!: Holy Mole! Being I’m a Mexican food fanatic, and I’m obsessed with a great mole …

21 replies
  1. CC Clarke
    CC Clarke says:

    Made this tonight, very good! All the negative comments are a little silly and somewhat self righteous. Anyways, I want to make this again but want more heat. Any suggestions on the best way to do that with this dish without changing the flavor profile?

  2. Scarlett
    Scarlett says:

    Really tired of all the negative things people post. If it doesn't sound good to you, don't make it and stop making comments about it until you have tasted it. I love it and it tastes like the mole I had in Mexico. Delicious! Thanks for another great recipe, Jeff.

  3. Pedro Arellano
    Pedro Arellano says:

    man I love, no ADORE you and I swear to GOD I am not a hater, but that is nothing like Mexican mole .could you maybe change the name to An Americanized Mole, or My Take on Mole or something?

  4. Lore Pagan
    Lore Pagan says:

    Don't mean to sound rude, but that is not mole. You might want to try hanging out with some Mexicans that know how to make mole. You didn't even use any dried peppers such as guajillo. It was actually quite funny to watch this. It might taste good to you, but don't call that mole. Sorry bud. Not even close.

  5. emmgeevideo
    emmgeevideo says:

    Mole sauce varies by region and even by someone’s family recipe. This is “Jeffrey’s Mole Sauce”. I can’t remember how many Mexican restaurants I’ve been to where the menu says that what Americans think of as chocolate is not what goes into an authentic mole sauce. But really, who cares? If it tastes good, that’s what matters. But I wouldn’t expect many Mexicans would taste this recipe and say, “That’s just like grandma used to make.”


    This isnt mole. Call it something els please so you wont confuse people. Mole doesnt have tomatos amd onion and your missing so many ingridients. Thanks for the video though. I want to learn how to cook in a pressure cooker. Thats why i saw the hole video.


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