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INGREDIENTS & OTHER INFO: Chicken gizzards, cleaned 1 onion, chopped salt, pepper & granulated garlic 4 cups water 4 chicken bouillon cubes Kitchen …

13 replies
  1. SpearChuckUngawa
    SpearChuckUngawa says:

    I got a juicer for Christmas and juice beets, celery, carrots, parsley, kale or spinach and cucumbers almost every morning (along with a wide variety of other veggies). Cukes and beets are good for the heart and arthritis. YouTube the health benefits of juicing beets, cucumbers, greens and especially parsley, I've lost almost 15 lbs. in two months without trying. I also got a 6qt. instant Pot for Christmas so today I got a package of chicken hearts. I'm a southern boy and like my BBQ but it's finally caught up with me. Onion is low on the acid scale, great for reducing your bodies ph. Lowing your ph raises ones resistance to virus!

  2. Aminat Rufai
    Aminat Rufai says:

    I love gizzards! This looks good, thank you for sharing! Can I ask, would it come out alright if fried the onions until soft/brown and THEN fried the gizzards? Then proceed as normal after that with everything else. What do you think? 🌹

  3. Matt Dillon
    Matt Dillon says:

    Gizzards looked amazing can you do a video on sticky chicken in a gravy? Or what some people call in the south chicken in silk gravy? I would love to see you cook that and learn from your recipe in the insta pot.

  4. Tamamo
    Tamamo says:

    Patty, having moved into a new apartment with a kitchen the size of a closet, your video had made me feel so at home.. following this recipe with some Indian spices and listening to you, cooking along with you..thank you for your upload. Big hugs from NYC. 🥰

  5. Tammy Seigler
    Tammy Seigler says:

    Hey girl heyyyy!!! I have been chasing my tail this week. I have a lot of videos to catch up on I see. Sorry I missed your premier. I like fried gizzards but I get tired of chewing them. Now my man can eat a whole serving of them from Mrs. Winners and she gives you a lot. Girl by the time I finish with about five, I'm done. Wore out from chewing. hehehe. You made them things look good and with no chew. Toot toot that horn. Proud of you. Hope you are enjoying those ham hocks. Sending you a big hug. I'll try to watch more tonight. So much going on. Take care. Love you bunches.


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