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rusty78609…I’m getting to like this thing. Chicken breasts in 8 minutes…amazing! A LINK TO AMAZON PRODUCTS: thank you for using …

24 replies
  1. Артём Пермяков
    Артём Пермяков says:

    This instant pot is really really good to use>>> I really saved a lot of time to watch the fire stew, and the soup taste really good too , I can prepare the cooking, don't have to wait it all the time, after i finish cook other dishes, soup is cook complete too. super time saving, simple and convenient to use

  2. myvenusheeler
    myvenusheeler says:

    New subscriber here and a camper and have very much been enjoying your videos over the last week in hot as hell Texas where we both live.That being said I am definitely looking into buying one of these little jewels!!

  3. Teri
    Teri says:

    Hi Rusty. Will you get amazon points or whatever if the link to the insta pot is used or just through th amazon product link? Also, will you get credit if we put the amazon item in our “list” to buy later?

  4. Charlie Charlie
    Charlie Charlie says:

    Please make spaghetti next. I was told you can throw the pasta in dry with your sauce and meat and it cooks everything at once. I may have to get one, if that's true. Talk about not dirtying a bunch of utensils.

  5. Doctoor Dan
    Doctoor Dan says:

    If you miss this electric cooker when boondocking you can get a small pressure cooker that you can use on your propane stove top. Works the same but heats the trailer up a bit more.

  6. sRm
    sRm says:

    That's a neat little cooker! Cooks things quick, easy, and it's a breeze to cleanup. Will be ordering one of these in my next Amazon order at months end. Thanks for the heads-up on the cooker, sir!

  7. John Wick
    John Wick says:

    I have found putting carrots,onions or whatever you like in there then you have soup under the chicken and you waste nothing …:) You even use the water you have added. I'm telling you this is the best thing in your kitchen. The spaghetti out of this thing is phenomenal 🙂

  8. Mike Brandenburg
    Mike Brandenburg says:

    I got a small Sportsman generator super small and quite that it weighs 19 pounds it's rated 800/1000 watts tops. I bet that would run on it while boondocking. I got the generator for 160 bucks and it ran my home frige for 25 hrs while power was out.

  9. N2itively1Michell
    N2itively1Michell says:

    Congrats on finding the perfect travel partner… Ms Instant Hottie!! LOL I love my Instant pot…for a cozy comfy winter time meal our fav is chicken pot pie.. I put canned biscuits across the top makes dumplings when it cooks!! Yum….


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