Instant Pot Chicken and Rice

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Put on dinner rotation! Instant Pot Chicken and Rice is an old fashion family favorite comfort food meal enjoyed by the whole family. With only a few ingredients, …

8 replies
  1. Lucille Ball
    Lucille Ball says:

    Hi Jill. Just made this today and it is totally AWESOME!!!! My hubby and I loved it. I couldn't use the fresh garlic or onion, as I can't have it. But can a little powder. So I did as your remarks said, I put dried onion and garlic powder and couldn't use the parsley either, hubby can't have. Even so, this turned out so good. The chicken and the rice were cooked to perfection! I used jasmine. I husband even commented on how good the rice tasted and asked how I did it. I just told him my pal Jill told me how, hee hee. You are correct in not missing that step of sautéing the rice in the butter/oil and seasonings first, really flavors it nicely. You are so good at these recipes and I want to thank you dear heart for all that you do. You made these two older folks very happy. Much love and hugs. Claudia

  2. Lucille Ball
    Lucille Ball says:

    This is great. I just pulled some chicken breasts out of the freezer and put in the fridge today. They need used and been wondering what am I going to make with them tomorrow. Ta dah, here you are with this fantastic chicken and rice recipe! I can no longer use fresh onion or garlic but can use a wee bit in the powder form of each, like a quarter teaspoon. I am hoping that will be enough to help flavor it. I am anxious to try this. Thanks so much and hope your hubby gets better soon. Oh, Happy New Year to both of you and many blessings. Claudia


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