Instant Pot Chicken Adobo recipe in 12 minutes

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Quick and easy Philippine dish that you’re sure to enjoy. Oh, and sorry for the abrupt end, I forgot to “sign off”, I’m new to this stuff so look forward to future on …

21 replies
  1. Ayiq Fadil
    Ayiq Fadil says:

    This instant pot is really really good to use>>> I really saved a lot of time to watch the fire stew, and the soup taste really good too , I can prepare the cooking, don't have to wait it all the time, after i finish cook other dishes, soup is cook complete too. super time saving, simple and convenient to use

  2. Mrs. H.
    Mrs. H. says:

    I love chicken Adobo!! I will try this recipe this weekend or the next time I make chicken. We try to eat meatless meals more during the week. Thank you so much.

  3. V Rossi
    V Rossi says:

    I made this tonight (the revised version, without the jalapeño) and it was fantastic! So much flavor, so easy, and the only thing that I didn't already have on hand was the chicken. I doubled the recipe to keep all of the chicken submerged, and everyone loved it. Thanks for the recipe; I'm sure that I'll be making it often.

  4. Ben Nguyen
    Ben Nguyen says:

    Great video! I've been looking for something like this in order to do cook a couple of plain drumsticks on the IP to shred into a salad.

    Interestingly, some recipes with many ingredients, don't add any water.. but if all I have is the chicken, I'm guessing I should go with at least 1 cup? What happens if you go too low (.5 cup or too much – 3 cups)?

    I will try 2 small drumsticks with a 1/2 cup water, and set for 20 minutes. But what happens if set for too long, 35 minutes, instead of 12?

  5. Jennylou Raya
    Jennylou Raya says:

    Hi Joey, can i link to this video on my blog? You are the first thing I am cooking on the Instant Pot. It is cooking right now and if all turns out well with your updated recipe, i would love to post it. Thanks in advance =)

  6. James Janet
    James Janet says:

    I just made this! It was my first recipe with the Instant Pot and wow! I can't even believe how amazing this was. Thanks for the recipe. I used the updated one, and honestly…awesome!!

  7. SanDiegoJoey
    SanDiegoJoey says:

    Stand by for a new Adobo video, I've been experimenting and making adjustments/improvements to the recipe.  I'm finally done and will create a new video for you all.  Here's the recipe in case you want to try now:  1 cup soy sauce, 1/3 cup balsamic vinegar, 1/3 cup white vinegar, 1/3 cup water, 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder, 1/2 teaspoon black pepper, 1 bay leaf, and ready for this……a diced and seeded fresh jalapeno, yes that's right a jalapeno and don't worry it won't be spicy hot, it just add a tiny little tingle and unique flavor.  Try it with and without and see what you prefer.  This is by far the best Chicken Adobo recipe I've ever had, even better than my Filipino friends.  Also, I tried out the "poultry" button on my IP-duo60 instead of a manual cook time.  The poultry setting simply cooks for 15 minutes so if you don't have a poultry setting you can cook for 12-15 minutes depending on your cooker.

  8. pineconenose
    pineconenose says:

    Great video. Also saw your baby back ribs. Wife and I both work, kids grown. Fast, flavorful, home cooked meals are what we enjoy. So, looking forward to Instant Pot. Like your presentation style. Keep 'em coming.


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