Instant Pot Cherry Cheesecake- August 2020 Baking Stream VoD

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Cherry Pie filling was just cherries, sugar and cornstarch. I stirred some into the top of the cheesecake before baking and saved the rest to put on top. It turned …

29 replies
  1. Sammonia
    Sammonia says:

    I am blown away by how patient Hazel is at answering the 'Where did you get your apron?' question. When it's asked like 3+ times EVERY baking stream. I'd explode.

  2. Cactus Coder
    Cactus Coder says:

    Omg! I’ve followed your videos in the past for mostly pet battles in wow but let me just add this up: plays wow, is a pet addict, makes cheesecake, has a great personality. Why would anyone not love this content? Seriously!

  3. mascott
    mascott says:

    Hazel, you should try swipe text on your ipad, or phone keyboard. I was a button masher like you, and when I switched to swipe I could FLY through a message. It takes only like a day or two to get used to and then you're off to the races!


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