Instant Pot Cheesy Chicken Roll-Ups

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Recipe: I’ll keep it as simple as this headnote: four …

40 replies
  1. Who dat?
    Who dat? says:

    After ignoring his channel for 4 weeks he puts out something that looks like dog vomit in a tortilla. So done with "Mr. I believe my own hype so I can just phone it in now"

  2. Dracos Diabolis
    Dracos Diabolis says:

    Why do I want to add broccoli to this dish. …..

    Wonder if you could take this concept and take the Mississippi mud pot roast

    Shred the beef and add it back to the sauce. But what to use as a thickener. In place of the cheese.

    Instinct potatoes? Or just flour to make the sauce into a gravy.

    Corse I think the pepperinchi's would replace the verde.

    The places your mind goes while watching this video. Lol

    Oh wait. Add a little flour to make a thin gravy, roll up the shredded beef. Pop it into a hot pan to brown it up a bit. Like a chimichanga.

    And use the thin gravy to ladle over it.

    HA! done and done!

  3. Gail
    Gail says:

    Wow!! Jeffrey I’ve missed you! I have both your cookbooks (excellent, of course) but they can’t beat the real thing😘…I always turn to you for help and ideas with what to do next in my Instant Pot…again, wow! You’ve made my day!


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