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Homemade Cheesecake made in the Instant pot.

33 replies
  1. As The Rooster Crows
    As The Rooster Crows says:

    Instant Pot Cheesecake
    2 sleeves of graham crackers
    1 1/2 tablespoons brown sugar
    1 stick butter-melted….I used salted
    2/3 cup sugar
    2 tablespoons corn starch
    dash of salt
    16 oz cream cheese
    1/2 cup sour cream
    2 tablespoons vanilla extract

  2. vicki Conley
    vicki Conley says:

    Nice job Melissa! I love cheesecake as well. I may look into an instapot and see what all the hubbub is about. I too love my old kitchen aid and my older kitchen machines! But I may get reading up on these instapots and a few others. Have a wonderful week. Hey, our -20 and -30 below temps are gone, and today it should be 44 above zero! WooHoo!!! TC Vicki from Iowa

  3. Robin T
    Robin T says:

    I've gone through 3 hand mixers in the past 2 years, and 2 of them did what your's is doing. And I only use them like 10 or 12 times each. They're all made like crap now. So I went on ebay and bought the one I had bought at a garage sale in the early 80's, Sunbeam Model 2475. I had it for 40 years till my #$%^# husband took one of the beaters to mix something in the garage and lost it. So I threw my 40 yr old mixer out and bought a new one, and then another one, and another one, then I got smart. Got my old "new" mixer 2 months ago, love it. Just go buy yourself a vintage mixer from the 60's-70's, save yourself aggravation and money. As for your cheese cake, I know it's great. The recipe is very similar to mine. I mix mine in the blender. Made your smothered pork chops in onion gravy again yesterday. I make that at least once a month. It's so good!


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