Instant Pot Cashew Chicken – plus Outtakes!

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The Goshen Girls show you step by step how to prepare delicious Cashew Chicken. Don’t forget to watch the end for all the outtakes! Cashew Chicken Recipe …

24 replies
  1. Christine McConnell
    Christine McConnell says:

    Followed you since Florida. Forgot to subscribe until recently. Someone from Michigan recently contacted you. She is a great person from this state, along time you tuber, and they recently purchased their long time homestead in the area you are looking. They are a wealth of information on Michigan. Wishing all of you well.

  2. maitilda mcintyre
    maitilda mcintyre says:

    OMG I’m a brand new subscriber and if this is typical I can’t wait for more. What a great recipe and entertaining presentation. I’m going to go back now and check out previous blogs. Thanks for the laughs, and keep it up.

  3. Norine Holland
    Norine Holland says:

    Heres a recipe I use, not original though. Start by saying I cook my rice spearately and spoon this over. Start the instant pot on saute with your favorite “good” oil. I use avocado whoch has a high burn point. Cut up chicken into bite sized pieces. I use 3 breasts. Saute till brown. Adjust other ingredients to your needed chicken quantity.

    Add 1 Tbsp kosher soy sauce, 3/4 c kosher barbaque sauce and 3/4 c orange marmalade. Place on meat setting for 36 min. Do a natural release.

    Prepare 1Tbsp of arrowroot powder or cornstarch wisked into cold water until no lumps. Place on saute again and add the arrowroot/cornstarch to thicken. When thick, turn off. Spoon over rice, great w side of broccoli.

    I think this might be kosher if you are careful w the sauces. adjust as needed to be kosher. Enjoy!

  4. Joyce Cook
    Joyce Cook says:

    I literally cracked up watching this! (I caught myself snorting once) Those girls….including mom when she got her hands on her bowl were so funny!! Your neighbors are pretty entertaining and they didn’t even have to try. Keep up the good work OOG girls!


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