Instant Pot Broccoli Cheddar Soup | Panera Copycat Recipe

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Instant Pot Broccoli Cheddar Soup | Panera Copycat Recipe . Get the printable recipe at …

15 replies
  1. Colleen Beamer
    Colleen Beamer says:

    Yum! 😋😋This is a recipe after my own heart! Broccoli is my favorite vegetable and I love broccoli and cheddar soup! ❤️ Love your IP recipes Jaxx! Looking forward to the next one! 😊😊

  2. Pickles BBQ
    Pickles BBQ says:

    Looks awesome Jaxx, I’ve been wanting to make that again this soup season. Just polished off a split pea ham soup. Awesome job brother and hope y’all have a great weekend!

  3. Paivi Project
    Paivi Project says:

    Hello. I've never had Panera's soups but your soups sure was easy to make and delicious no doubt 😋 Freezing artic cold days like we have over here right now….your soup looked so comforting and soul warming yummy yum. I do have a instant pot so I could try this. Thanks 👍

  4. Crunch Munch
    Crunch Munch says:

    That looks mighty fine, I think I could mainline Broccoli Cheddar Soup. I got one of them new fangled Insta-Pots and don't use it near enough but I will be trying this. Thanks Jaxx!

  5. Brian Andrews
    Brian Andrews says:

    Thanks Jaxx. I had an 88 year old customer/friend that passed recently. She was awesome enough I planted a rose out front and named it after her. She used to bring me this and bread (Panera is in Oxford 45 mins away) occasionally when she went shopping. Never had it before her. She said "I love this and you should, too. LOL


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