INSTANT POT- Bowtie Chicken Alfredo

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Incredibly easy and great for beginners! This dish cooks up very quick and easy. A great meal to make on a busy night, or if it’s just too hot to cook in the kitchen …

7 replies
  1. Shawnee Heltsley
    Shawnee Heltsley says:

    I just found you and have subscribed. I like how you do your videos. Very simple but your recipes sound terrific. Even tho I don't have an instant pot yet I still watch. Can't decide which size to get. Thanks for your videos

  2. Mia Culpa
    Mia Culpa says:

    another quick easy weeknight meal!! Thanks Launie!
    I might have to put this one on my list this week because my IP has to redeem itself after the massive failure I had with the last batch of yogurt! It came out more like cottage cheese–loose cottage cheese…swimming in liquid…first failure I've had with yogurt. I watched your video on it again just to make sure I didn't do something wrong..I think my thermometer is wonky. It may have just been too hot for the starter. If I get a second fail, then I'll give all the blame to the IP, but for now it gets to share with the thermometer lol…


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