Instant Pot Ace – Let’s Make Ice Cream

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Let’s make ice cream in the Instant Pot Ace. 3 Ingredients Ice Cream 2/3 Cup Heavy Whipping Cream 1/2 Cup Sugar 10 oz Frozen Strawberries Place …

15 replies
  1. Private Private
    Private Private says:

    I’m going to take a wild guess and assume it formed up in the freezer. But, although I’ve ordered the Ace Plus and am waiting for it to arrive and returning a Vitamix as, it is just really pricey, what you’re basically doing is simply freezing a smoothie. I, personally, don’t have a problem with that as I like soft serve and, if t firms up in the freezer, I like regular ice cream, too.

    Also, on another channel, someone said this has a cooling plate. No. Doubtful. It does, however have a heating plate that it sounds like you should not get anything sticky or cheesy on.

    Like anything, it has its positives and negatives. The style, the heating plate, the locked on lid (with notification of it isn’t locked on, the multiple presets, the glass container, the price all kick the crap out of some of the Vitamix models. But, the fact that you can’t pop the container in the dishwasher or get your your hand down in there, if you need to, is a problem. Plus, the angle of the Vitamix blades and it’s power provide a proper vortex for blending.

    For the price difference I personally, will have to suffer through that on/off cycle. I actually find it pretty annoying. It’s startling and will likely not stop scaring the living crap out of pets. Using it in the morning will likely become annoying to neighbors, as well. Some might say that one isn’t more annoying that the other. But, I think that, when people are sleeping and are wakened by someone’s blender they can more quickly get accustomed to it and fall back to sleep. But, when it’s on and off, it just sounds like someone’s trying to be an asshole. I assume this is done for either 2 reasons – that, for the price point, maybe it’s a cheaper motor and they don’t want it to burn out or, because you don’t get that vortex and it needs gravity to allow particles to sink back down to the blades or for both reasons.

    So, a person would naturally ask why I’m buying it. Again, price point. I would rather keep the money. But also, I love the glass container and can finally get rid of my Oster. It’s a handsome blender. With the exception of the Vitamix Ascent series, I’m not a huge fan of the styling of Vitamix blenders and I keep my blender on the countertop. The heating plate will not only heat my vegan sauces but, keep them warm for 2 hours (at least on the Plus model). Although there is no preset for and it isn’t advertised as an electric tea kettle, I’m going to try to have at least warm water in there, if not tea and like that I can keep it warm, UN-monitored for 2 hours.Heating temperature gets to 212F. On the Vitamix, only 126F as, it only heats by blade friction. Vitamixes do make soup but, it sounds like you’d better hurry up and eat it as, it’s tepid, at best. The IP blender has delayed start but, I’m not certain I want food to sit in there for up to 12 hours, particularly, during the summer.

    I assume that, with more cooking blenders coming into the market, Vitamix will come out with their own cooking blender eventually. But, that would depend upon whether they feel they could sell at a proper price point. Surely, some would buy it but, it may sell like the latest MacPro tower — only but a few will be able to or even want to afford it.

  2. Chris St James
    Chris St James says:

    Nice tipping the Blender Jar upside down for the Frozen test. Maybe you only wanted a small amount but have you tried a Larger batch to know if that works just as well? Would more time be necessary? Thank you!

  3. Rachel Riether
    Rachel Riether says:

    I started a Facebook page called Instant Pot Blender Recipes and Tips. I'm trying to get a collection of recipes since no recipe book was included in the box. Could you please post on the page any recipes for the Instant Pot Blender that you think others may enjoy? Thanks in advance.


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